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Need help in refreshing a page periodically for a slow-loading results page


I have an input form for a user to submit some input and then this input is processed by a Perl script, which is called through the PHP index page…

My problem is that this external script takes usually more than 2-3 minutes so there is a risk of the page to hang. How can I modify my PHP page to stay in index.php, but periodically refresh it so, when the perl command is done, it then outputs the results.

Here is the index page (the refresh I wrote on top did not work.

$max_seqs = 1000;

$page = $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’];
$sec = “10”;
header(“Refresh: $sec; url=$page”);


font-family: arial;
color: #003965;
font-size: 14px;

width: 620px;
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font-family: courier;

width: 1000px;
border-collapse: collapse;
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background-color: #e8e8e8;
font-size: 12px;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
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font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
padding: 2;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
padding: 2;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 15px;
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color: #000144;



if( isset ( $_POST[‘sequence’] )) #run part
function readSeqs($text)
if( !preg_match( ‘/^>/m’, $text ) )
return readSeqs( “>n$text” );

$seqs = array();
$text = preg_replace( ‘/[nr]+/’, “n”, $text );
preg_match_all( ‘/^>([^n]*)n([^>]*)/ms’, $text, $matches );

foreach( $matches[1] as $k=>$name1 )
$seq = $matches[2][$k];
$name1 = trim($name1);
$name=substr($name1, 0, 50); #keep only the first 40 characters (if the name is longer)
$name=preg_replace(‘/s+/’, ‘ ‘, $name);
$name=preg_replace(‘/[|s/\%*&#@()[]$^!]/’, ‘_’, $name);
$seq = preg_replace( ‘/s+/’, ”, $seq );

$seqs[] = array( ‘name’=>$name, ‘seq’=>$seq );
return $seqs;

$uniq_number = uniqid();
$input_folder = ‘./tmp_files/myfolder_’.$uniq_number;
$input_file = $input_folder.’/’.’input_seqs’;
$seqs = readSeqs($_POST[‘sequence’]);
$run_mode = $_POST[‘mode’];

if($_POST[sp_pred] == ‘on’)
$signal = $_POST[‘sp_pred’];
$signal = ‘off’;

if($_POST[‘pfams’] == ‘on’)
$phmms = $_POST[‘pfams’];
$phmms = ‘off’;

$seqs_number = count($seqs);

$prior_info1 = $_POST[‘prior’];
if (preg_match(‘/Example/’, $prior_info1))
$prior_info_final=str_replace(‘;’, ‘A’, $prior_info);

if( $seqs_number == 0 )
echo “<em>You did not submit any sequences.</em>”;

elseif( $seqs_number > $max_seqs )
echo “<em>You can input no more than $max_seqs sequences at a time.</em>”;

elseif ( $seqs_number > 1 and $seqs_number <= $max_seqs )
$input = ”;
foreach($seqs as $v) #create input file for run
{ $input.= “>”.$v[‘name’].”n”.$v[‘seq’].”n”; } #write each FASTA seq in input file
file_put_contents( $input_file, $input ); #(if we will allow >1 proteins)

#echo “perl Whole_Program.pl $input_folder $seqs_number $prior_info_final $run_mode $signal $phmms<br>”;
exec (“perl Whole_Program.pl $input_folder $seqs_number $prior_info_final $run_mode $signal $phmms”, $res_total, $ret);

$text_file = $input_file.’.txt_res’;
$zip_file = ‘tmp_files/’.$uniq_number.’.tgz’;

echo “<table class=”whole”>n”;
echo “<tbody>n”;
echo “<tr><td class=”headcell” align=”right” colspan=”7″><br>Results<br><br></td></tr>n”;
echo “<tr>n”;
echo “<td width=”14%” class=”browse_cell”>Entry</td>n”.
“<td width=”12%” class=”browse_cell”>Length</td>n”.
“<td width=”14%” class=”browse_cell”>Signal peptide</td>n”.
“<td width=”14%” class=”browse_cell”>&beta;-score</td>n”.
“<td width=”38%” class=”browse_cell”>OMPdb family</td>n”.
“<td width=”14%” class=”browse_cell”>#TM</td>n”.
“<td width=”12%” class=”browse_cell”>Topology image</td>n”;
echo “</tr>n”;

foreach ($res_total as $line_entry)
if ($counter % 2) {$colour_class=”browse_cell_change1″;}
else {$colour_class=”browse_cell_change2″;}

$all_data = preg_split(“/t/”, $line_entry);

if($tm_num==0) {$tm_num=’–‘;}

echo “<tr>n”;
echo “<td width=”14%” align=”left” class=””.$colour_class.””>”.$id.”</td>n”.
“<td width=”12%” class=””.$colour_class.””>”.$seq_len.”</td>n”.
“<td width=”14%” class=””.$colour_class.””>”.$signal.”</td>n”.
“<td width=”14%” class=””.$colour_class.””>”.$score.”</td>n”.
“<td width=”38%” align=”left” class=””.$colour_class.””>”;

if($family_name == “–“)
echo “$family_name</td>n”;

echo “<a target=”_blank” href=”http://www.ompdb.org/OMPdb/view_family.php?fam_id=”.$family_number.””>”.

echo “<td width=”14%” class=””.$colour_class.””>”.$tm_num.”</td>n”;

echo “<td width=”12%” class=””.$colour_class.””>–</td>n”;
echo “<td width=”12%” class=””.$colour_class.””><a target=”_blank” href=””.$topo_img_link.””> Download</a></td>n”;

echo “</tr>n”;
echo “</tbody></table>n”;

echo “<br /><br />Program error!”;

echo “<br /><a target=”_blank” href=””.$text_file.””>Download</a> results in plain text formatn”;
echo “<br /><a target=”_blank” href=””.$zip_file.””>Download</a> all files related to this submission as a tarballn”;
echo “<br /><br /><a href=”index.php”>Run again</a><br />”;

else #index initial page
echo “Please paste up one or more “.
” – formatted sequences in the textarea below: <br /><br />n”;
echo “<form method=post name=”seq_form”>”.
“<textarea name=”sequence”></textarea>
<br /><br />
Select mode:
<input type=”radio” name=”mode” value=”1″ checked /> MSA-version (1 sequence)
&nbsp;<input type=”radio” name=”mode” value=”2″ /> Single-sequence version (up to $max_seqs sequences)
<br /><br />
Run signal-peptide prediction using <a target=”_blank” href=”http://www.compgen.org/tools/PRED-TAT/”>PRED-TAT</a>:
<input type=”checkbox” name=”sp_pred” checked>
<br /><br />
Use library in prediction:
<input type=”checkbox” name=”pfams” checked>
<br /><br />
Prior information (constrained prediction):
<input type=”text” name=”prior” size=”33″ style=”color:#888;”
value=”Example: I:1-15;M:20-25;O:30-30″ onfocus=”inputFocus(this)” onblur=”inputBlur(this)” />
<br /><br />
<input type=”submit” value=”Run prediction” />
<input type=”reset” value=”Clear fields” />
<input type=”button” value=”Generate sample input” onclick=”example_fill();”>
echo “<br /><hr>”;


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1 Comments(s)

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@NogDogApr 26.2015 — All that comes to mind would be to run the perl script as a background process, redirecting its output to a file. Then you could do a JavaScript loop to call a script that looks for that file, and maybe checks for some indication in its output that it has completed?
$outputFile = uniqid('OUTPUT');
exec("nohup [command string here] > $outputFile &");


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