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Hurray I’ve got the first post in the forum ? Ahem sorry. Does anyone know of any decent MNG editors that support alpha transparency. I’ve tried a couple but they don’t seem that good, or don’t have alpha support.

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@Robert_WellockNov 21.2002 — Didn't "Ming" fight with Flash Gordon, I've heard; PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional from Alchemy Mindworks might just do that.
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@StefanNov 21.2002 — [i]Originally posted by Robert Wellock [/i]

I've heard; PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional from Alchemy Mindworks might just do that.[/QUOTE]

Fight with Flash Gordon you mean? ?

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@Rick_BullauthorNov 21.2002 — Hello guys, good to see you found this board now. I did try PNG/MNG contstuction set, but I didn't like it too much. I may give it another try, but I couldn't seem to get Alpha to work properly. Maybe I just did something wrong. :o


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