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Hey!I want to develop a facebook auto liker site

Hello friends! im new here.I want to develop a site that automatically likes our facebook statuses,pictures,etc on giving access to token.Its just an autoliker site for facebook.

Example :mg-likers.com ,official-liker.net

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4 Comments(s)

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@wevieJul 13.2014 — And your question is what?
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@biraeAug 08.2019 — I like your idea to make a website for [url="https://www.apkmover.com/2017/07/mg-liker-apk-free-download.html"]mg liker[/url] for Android.
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@ginerjmAug 08.2019 — You do realize that this topic is FIVE YEARS OLD?
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@anumalikJan 26.2020 — Hello Bro, why do you want to develop an [auto likes](http://www.androidappapks.com/2019/03/apental-calc.html) web application if there are hundreds of them available already.


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