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[RESOLVED] Carriage return synatx

Hello all! I’m in the beginning stages of learning javascript and have a very simple problem. It’s so simple that I’m nearly embarassed to ask it. I’d like to add a carriage return to the following alert:

[Code]alert(“Hello World. How are you?”)[/CODE]

My desired output is:


Hello world!
How are you?


After hours of searching, I can’t seem to find the correct syntax to do this. Any help with this is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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@bionoidNov 28.2013 — Hi, welcome to the forum.

alert("Hello World.nHow are you?");

[FONT=Courier New]n : new line

r : carriage return

t : tab[/FONT]

There are others but I can't think of them right now ?
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@DannyRauthorNov 28.2013 — Thank you very much for responding. That's actually what I've been trying. However, my result is:
Hello world! /nHow are you?[/QUOTE]

My exact code is:
[Code]alert("Hello world! /nHow are you?");[/Code]
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@bionoidNov 28.2013 — But you're using a forward slash in your code, you need to use a backslash

alert("Hello World.[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]n[/B][/COLOR]How are you?");
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@DannyRauthorNov 28.2013 — I accidentally submitted without finishing. I guess I can't edit a post at this point. Anyhow, the code is identical to yours, no? I don't understand why the linefeed isn't being rendered.
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@DannyRauthorNov 28.2013 — Oh. Wow! Now, I really feel like an idiot. That was indeed the problem. Thank you very much for your help.
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@bionoidNov 28.2013 — ?

Trial and error, that's all. Best way to learn in my opinion.
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@DannyRauthorNov 28.2013 — :)

Trial and error, that's all. Best way to learn in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely agree. I've been coding with VBA for years but Java is a different animal. Thank you very much, once again.
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@bionoidNov 28.2013 — ?

Call MsgBox("Hello World." & vbCRLF & "How are you?")

At least you have some grounds to stand on. Yes JavaScript is very different, start off with it being case-sensitive.

I was also a VB3-6/Script programmer for 15 years. So I believe I knew it very well.

But once you realise the flexibility of JavaScript you won't want to go back.

Good luck.
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@DannyRauthorNov 29.2013 — Yeah, the case-sensitivity is kicking my ass. lol. I thought I was alone in that. I'm already loving it though.
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@bionoidNov 29.2013 — For instance, can you imagine writing this in VBA:

(function(one, two)
return function(three)
return one + three + two;
('Hello World.', 'How are you?'))('n')
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@DannyRauthorNov 29.2013 — For instance, can you imagine writing this in VBA:

(function(one, two)
return function(three)
return one + three + two;
('Hello World.', 'How are you?'))('n')

lol. You're right. It brings to mind another thing that gave me trouble - the curly brackets. It took a few days to wrap my head around those. In VB/VBA, you have "END" statements. Not so with java. Just those damned brackets! ?


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