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Which Domain is good for SEO

If this is a domain you recently registered or plan on registering, don’t forget many different factors affect SEO nowadays. Simply getting a domain with keywords in it will help you of course, but what you won’t have and is getting

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26 Comments(s)

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@kpkarthikJun 20.2013 — All domains are Good for SEO.Domain may be like local or global whatever,but that domain name should be related to your country.Then only it should well for SEO.
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@eliza189Jun 20.2013 — I don't think domain name affect SEO but at-least you should keep in mind about Google's EMD update.
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@sophina8888Jun 21.2013 — Take short and easy remember-able domain which is helpful in brand building too. It will be better if it can describe your business but not add keyword forcefully. Now days, search engine focus on brand and authority domain not keyword rich domain. Take .com domain for global and ccTLD for local business.
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@piyushaegisJun 21.2013 — [B]Top Tips[/B]

[B]Word Separators[/B]

Avoid hyphens. Hyphens detract from credibility and can act as a spam indicator.

[B]Top-Level Domain (TLD)[/B]

Top-level domains (like .com) are the extensions associated with domain names. For best ranking results, avoid uncommon top-level domains (TLDs). Like hyphens, TLDs such as .info, .cc, .ws, and .name are spam indicators.


Avoid domain names longer than 15 characters. Short domain names are easier to remember, easier to share, and have a smaller chance of resulting in typos.
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@HanasonsJun 22.2013 — The thing is your domain name should include the main keyword in it, also go for top tlds like .com, .net, .org, if you find aged domain name then it is good but check the domain name if it is not penalized.
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@james_richardJun 22.2013 — All domains are good for SEO. The global level to target the website [B].com[/B] is very important for SEO.
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@johnmacklen1234Jun 22.2013 — Basically Domain Name not affect on SEO of website. But for visitors of website .com is very easy to navigate to this.
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@jack170794Jun 22.2013 — These are all new to me, thanks guys.
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@HanasonsJun 23.2013 — Basically Domain Name not affect on SEO of website. But for visitors of website .com is very easy to navigate to this.[/QUOTE]

Well, domain name affects SEO too, there are few things in domain name which affect seo, these are:

Age of domain name

Keyword in domain

length of domain name

extension of domain name
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@joewarn8Jun 24.2013 — All domains are good for SEO , but keep domain according to EMD based , should be small and yes .com is easy for users to use .
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@rootJun 24.2013 — Bursting the SEO bubble...

Myth - SEO gives you better rankings...

Busted, I have never done anything other than use proper tags and keywords in the HTML to get any site I have touched in the top 10 results. You DO NOT need to fight for pole position nor pay a listing engine to improve your ranking. A whole industry exists preying on peoples ignorance of how the internet works.

Myth - People searching won't find you without SEO

Busted, utter rubbish, what do you think web crawlwers are for? When you publish a page, as long as you have set your host up to submit a web page to Google search engine then your page will be crawled for contents and keywords extrapolated from that and your page can then be found. It can take anything from a few minutes to a few hours to propagate through the internet, it is very big so don't expect miracles.


It matters very little how you set up your domain, if you want to make your visitors ability to remember URL's then fine, I personally don't, that is what "Bookmarks" are for after all...

You will find raging arguments all over the net on this subject and having sat on the fence for many years watching the arguments on many subjects ending up in petty kindergarden squabbles, I go with the philosophy of what best fits your purpose, you will find some occasions SEO is better than untidy and use of proper META than not. It is really down to your needs, if a web page is going to be static and not change then for sure, put the effort in to making it a persistent resource, if your page is going to be fleeting and constantly changing and morphing, then SEO is really going to be a strain on the crawler and you may find that people like Google won't bother crawling as often.

Basically, don't do it just because you have been told to do it, look at what and how you implement your website and does SEO fit your needs.
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@jack170794Jun 24.2013 — I gotta bookmark this threat, so much useful information.
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@MultimasteryJun 24.2013 — Some keyworded domains are good for SEO. But you might also try branded domains because Google is not giving as much weight to "exact match" domains after recent algorithm updates
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@dennyleonJun 25.2013 — Domain name doesn't matter for google. But if you buy a domain for 5 year. It seems legit in google ways. Google loves long term domain. Thats a old one but its genuine. Maybe some of SEO's know about this.
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@rajdeep01Jun 25.2013 — All domains are good for SEO. Google loves long term domain.
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@albertrichardApr 16.2014 — Generic top level domain .COM is best for SEO.

Customer can find you easily on internet and easily know about your product details on Website.
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@rajukhanrajukhaApr 16.2014 — Select the Best Domain Name for SEO Purposes:

1.Your brand is already established and recognized

2.You have advertised or plan to advertise to promote your brand.

3.Your brand is your own name or very unique.

4.You want your site to rank well in search results for your brand name.
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@kiwistechApr 17.2014 — Domain name doesnt create any effect on SEO, but its good if your domain is related with any of your main keyword which you are using for SEO, so it would be easy for Google to give priority rankings to your domain.

[url=http://wistech.biz/#about-us]SEO Agency Dubai[/url]
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@abidasaalimApr 17.2014 — Think of a brand and make a domain with the name of brand. It is good for SEO
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@sheldonloboApr 20.2014 — Any name which can be remember easily or you can also get keyword rich domain but make sure then you need unique content as well.
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@avowzoneApr 22.2014 — If your keyword is in the domain name it's better to do seo.

Example: Your Keyword is insurance

Best domain name is: insurancetips.com, insurancezone.com, newinsurance.com, topinsurance.com etc.

Look at the above domain name. There all domain have the keyword.
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@Karan_SinghMay 06.2014 — Short name is easy to type and easy to remember.Using a unique moniker is a great way to build additional value with your domain name.
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@ChristinaCaMay 07.2014 — All domains are good for SEO purpose but it may contain keyword to promote the site. It also depend on domain extension, if the domain extension is of the country for which you are promoting site then it will become easy to rank it higher. But mostly visitors navigate through .com for all websites as it is easy for them to navigate.
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@haroldbutlerSep 21.2022 — Domain name is never ever a ranking factor in view of Google. It doesn't make a impact on your SE0 or online presence.

Feel free to buy any domain whether it's .com or .business
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@sibertSep 22.2022 — 8 YEARS LATER - Closing
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@sibertSep 22.2022 — {"locked":true}


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