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Fun with PHP

Silliness that passed the last quarter hour of work today:

class foo {
public function foo(&$foo) {
$foo = create_function(
‘echo “Hello, $foo.”;’
new foo($foo);

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@NogDogauthorMay 13.2013 — version 1.1:
class foo {
private function __construct() {}
public static function foo(&$foo) {
$foo = create_function('$foo','echo "Hello, $foo.";');
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@NogDogauthorMay 15.2013 — And for another layer of absurdity:

class foo {
private function __construct() {}
public static function foo(&$foo) {
$foo = create_function('$foo','echo "Hello, $foo.";');

require 'foo';foo::foo($foo);$foo('foo');
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@PrincessCupcakeMay 17.2013 — lol glad you had fun ?


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