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Split equation and retain numbers and operators. Possible?

Is there a regular expression that will split a string between operands like +, -, * or /
similar to the following attempt that only partially works?

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var strIn = ‘123+456-321’;
var tarrN = strIn.split(/D/);
var tarrO = strIn.split(/+|-|*|//);


Both give the same results. They split on the numbers, but loses the operators.
I was trying for an output of:




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@rtretheweyMar 14.2013 — Try:
</i>var tarrO = strIn.match(/d+|+|-|*|//g);
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@mrhooMar 14.2013 — You can replace the operators with themselves followed by a newline.

[CODE]function calc(strIn){
strIn= strIn.replace(/[^.d*/+-]+/g, '');
var tarrN= strIn.replace(/([D.]+)/g, '$1n')+ 'nn',
tarrO= eval(strIn);
tarrO= 'Bad Data!';
return tarrN+tarrO;

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@rnd_meMar 14.2013 — not the order you spec, but everything's here in this simple example (thanks to capturing parens)

'123+456-321'.split(/([-+/*])/) // gives == ["123", "+", "456", "-", "321"]

you can join it yourself.
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@JMRKERauthorMar 14.2013 — Try:
</i>var tarrO = strIn.match(/d+|+|-|*|//g);

Thank you. This is closer to what I was trying for.

'mrhoo's solution uses the eval(), which in the final analysis of my feeble attempts, was what I was trying to avoid.

Thank you both. I'll report back later with progress status. ?

EDIT: Just noticed mrhoo's second post. I'll give that a try as well. Thanks again!

Tried mrhoo's solution and it works just a well for my initial needs.


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