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Advice for a beginner

Hi to one & all,

I recently designed my own website & frankly did a better job than the comapny who designed it originally.

So where do I go from here, i want to learn more but what is the best way, any recomdations on reading or web sites, would be much apreciated.

My main talent lies in graphics so I’m starting near the bottom, I’ve been using Softquad Hotmetal Pro6 (which is no longer in existance) to edit the site!



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@DaveSWJan 30.2004 — I started off in HotMetal Pro actually... About a year and a half ago for a guess.

Do you use the WYSIWYG view, the tags on view, or the source code view? - This may seem irrelevant but it will affect how quickly you pick up the rest of web design.
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@tlmoleauthorJan 30.2004 — I use a combination of Wysiwyg & Tags depending on what I'm doing
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@DaveSWJan 30.2004 — Using tags is actually quite good because you gain an appreciation of how html works - which you don't from WYSIWYG.

Personally I'd recommend you visit www.w3schools.com and follow some of their tutorials. You'll probably find the html one laughably easy with the knowledge you already have, and so follow it up by learning CSS. You can then use that to layout your pages, instead of using tables or frames. It will make your life easier, however much you use it.

Maybe a visit to the www.csszengarden.com will inspire your creativity too.
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@tlmoleauthorJan 30.2004 — Thanks Dave

I will give those sites a view ?
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@DaveSWJan 30.2004 — Yes, DIG through them and see what you find ?
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@daddynpgFeb 01.2004 — I can also suggest www.htmlgoodies.com

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@spufiFeb 01.2004 — [i]Originally posted by daddynpg [/i]

[B]I can also suggest www.htmlgoodies.com

? [/B]

Is to be avoided like the black plague that it is. If you want outdated, and/or improper coding, then yeah, the place is a goldmine.


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