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reload after mp3 file stop


script :

to play [I]N [/I] mp3 files , start from minute = 15

but, i try to make auto reload : window.location.reload() after end of each file

[CODE]<script type=text/javascript>

function hh () {

var File = [“audio-00.mp3″,”audio-01.mp3″,”audio-02.mp3″,”audio-03.mp3″,”audio-04.mp3”];

var audiolngth = [10,5,15,3,7]; // length of mp3 files in minutes.

var strtmin=15; // start minute, start playing mp3 files from 15th minute hr:15

var audioend = [21,31,46,49,57]; // end minute, stop playing mp3 files

var nF = 5; // number of files

var d=new Date();

// minutes now (d.getMinutes()) greater than end minute of 1st file (audioend[0]) and minute now (d.getMinutes())less than end minute of last file plus 1 (audioend[nF]+1)

if (d.getMinutes() >= strtmin && d.getMinutes() < (audioend[nF]+1)) {

if (d.getMinutes() == strtmin && d.getMinutes() <= audioend[0]) {

var endmin=audioend[0];

document.write(“<embed src=File[0] autostart=true>”);


if (d.getMinutes() > strtmin && d.getMinutes() <= (strtmin+audioend[nF])) {

for (i=1,i<nF+1,i++) {

var endmin=audioend[i];

// minutes now (d.getMinutes()) greater than end minute of prev. file (audioend[i-1]) and minute now (d.getMinutes())less than or equal to end minute of current file(audioend[i])

if (d.getMinutes() == audioend[i-1] && d.getMinutes() <= audioend[i]) {

document.write(“<embed src=File[i] autostart=true>”);




if (d.getMinutes() == endmin) {



} // if …

} // function ….


setInterval(“hh();”,60000) // do if (d.getMinutes() == endmin) { window.location.reload(true);} every minute


now its reload after 1minue from page loads .

[B]how to make it reload after end of each mp3 files when (d.getMinutes() == endmin) ?[/B]

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