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[RESOLVED] cut a continues string at 32nd position

I m a js beginer.. i was trying to write a function to cut my string at every 32nd position if there was no spaces.


If the string have spaces dont cut. else if the string is long (no space) then at 32 nd point i want to include a space. again i want to continue and want to include a space at next 33rd postion if there was no spaces till that.

Please anyone help me to write this code..

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@007JulienMar 10.2012 — Try this code
<label>Before<br><textarea id="bfr" rows="10" cols="32"></textarea></label><br>
<label>After<br><textarea id="ftr" rows="10" cols="32"></textarea></label>

<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Loremipsumdolor sitametconsectetueregetegetetutPhasellus. PharetraQuisquetemporsemconsectetuerSedsapienelitutVivamus Vestibulum. VitaeconvallisfeugiatantecursusProincondimentumauctormetuselitNunc. PellentesqueNamVivamus.";
[COLOR="Blue"]var newStr = str.replace(/([w]{31})(?=w)/ig,'$1 ');[/COLOR]
We replace any suit of 31 characters followed by another character by this suit (the first sub-pattern $1) followed by a space. With the ?= (a lookahead positive assertion) the second sub-pattern is not matched and count for the possible following pattern (Lookbehind assertions are not supported with javascript).

Edit : With the punctuation, it would be better to work with non space characters
[CODE][COLOR="Blue"]var newStr = str.replace(/([^s]{31})(?=[^s])/ig,'$1 ');[/COLOR][/CODE]
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@johnrockauthorMar 13.2012 — Try this code
<label>Before<br><textarea id="bfr" rows="10" cols="32"></textarea></label><br>
<label>After<br><textarea id="ftr" rows="10" cols="32"></textarea></label>

<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Loremipsumdolor sitametconsectetueregetegetetutPhasellus. PharetraQuisquetemporsemconsectetuerSedsapienelitutVivamus Vestibulum. VitaeconvallisfeugiatantecursusProincondimentumauctormetuselitNunc. PellentesqueNamVivamus.";
[COLOR="Blue"]var newStr = str.replace(/([w]{31})(?=w)/ig,'$1 ');[/COLOR]
We replace any suit of 31 characters followed by another character by this suit (the first sub-pattern $1) followed by a space. With the ?= (a lookahead positive assertion) the second sub-pattern is not matched and count for the possible following pattern (Lookbehind assertions are not supported with javascript).

Edit : With the punctuation, it would be better to work with non space characters
[CODE][COLOR="Blue"]var newStr = str.replace(/([^s]{31})(?=[^s])/ig,'$1 ');[/COLOR][/CODE][/QUOTE]

Yeah.. this is working fine... But this code seems difficult to understand for me. I dint see this type of code in js before. Can you tell me where i can learn these basics.. esp this part " (/([^s]{31})(?=[^s])/ig,'$1 '); "
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@TheAliveWinnerMar 13.2012 — Learn [B]RegExp[/B]: JS RegExp
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@johnrockauthorMar 13.2012 — Learn [B]RegExp[/B]: JS RegExp[/QUOTE]

thanks bro..!!
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@007JulienMar 13.2012 — You find probably that i, for ignore case, is not useful with non space characters, which could be match with S. Then a shorter regular expression is :

[CODE][COLOR="Blue"]var newStr = str.replace(/(S{31})(?=S)/g,'$1 ');[/COLOR][/CODE]


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