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IE woes: links

[SIZE=”2″]IE (9,8,7 thru Parallels on a Mac) is not, or only partially, rendering styles on certain links; same behaviour across the versions:

[FONT=”Courier New”]a[href^=”javascript”] {
text-decoration:underline; font-size:inherit; color:white; }
a[href^=”javascript”]:hover {background:#486; }[/FONT]
—neither the underline nor the hover background are rendered, and the color is the same as surrounding text, so the links are not apparent: but they work;

[FONT=”Courier New”]a[href^=”http://”], a[href^=”https://”] {
text-decoration:underline; font-size:inherit; color:#bdbebf;}
a[href^=”http://”]:hover, a[href^=”https://”]:hover {background:#468; }[/FONT]
—the hover background doesn’t work; the links work.

Quirksmode says IE should honour these advanced attribute styles.

This isn’t the only IE problem I’m having, [URL=”http://www.wavehands.net/changes.htm”]but one at a time[/URL]—click on “welcome” to see the problem.


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@Logic_AliFeb 11.2012 — [SIZE=2]IE (9,8,7 thru Parallels on a Mac) is not, or only partially, rendering styles on certain links; same behaviour across the versions:[/SIZE][/quote][SIZE=2]That's a question for the CSS forum

This isn't the only IE problem I'm having, but one at a time—click on "welcome" to see the problem.

[/SIZE]The scrolling does work in IE. The validator picked up a misspelling of 'overflow':
</i>/* text window controlled by scroll links and its background layer */ #wn, #wnbg { position:absolute; left:128px; top:50%; width:264px; height:60em; margin-top:-30em; overf1ow:hidden; }
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@ctozauthorFeb 11.2012 — Thanks for that. The scrolling does work in IE[/QUOTE]

Can you clarify?

Thru Parallels, yes, the scrolling also works—if you know where to put the mouse: but the arrows aren't displayed, only a thin white line. That's another display problem I'm trying to solve without recourse to the boards.

Is this the same with your test?
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@Logic_AliFeb 11.2012 — 

Can you clarify?

Thru Parallels, yes, the scrolling also works—if you know where to put the mouse: but the arrows aren't displayed, only a thin white line. That's another display problem I'm trying to solve without recourse to the boards.

Is this the same with your test?[/quote]

In IE8 tha arrows do appear in the right place and operate the scrolling, albeit rather notchy.
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@ctozauthorFeb 11.2012 — In IE8 tha arrows do appear in the right place and operate the scrolling, albeit rather notchy.[/QUOTE]

Thanks: thought I might make life simpler with Parallels, but...


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