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Appearing different posts in different pages

Hi, have this page: [URL=”http://justitext.com/test”]http://justitext.com/test[/URL]

Check the first posts and click at them.Every text-link forwards to another page in which you will see a post.What i want is to make every different post to be appeared each time on every link.If you see in each link,the same post is appeared as i cannot adjust a different offset each time.More specifically,i have set on my code an include file and through this i generate the same page but unfortunately with the same most recent post.How can i fix this?

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@TecBratJan 04.2012 — I think you'll have to show us some of your code in order for us to help you. If you're using mod rewrite, you might need to show your .htaccess file (or that section of it) as well.


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