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Bug in PHP 5.3.7, wait for 5.3.8

As per [url]http://www.php.net/archive/2011.php#id2011-08-22-1[/url], there is [URL=”https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55439″]a bug in PHP 5.3.7[/URL] for the crypt() function, and therefore they are recommending users to [b]not[/b] upgrade to the recent 5.3.7 release, but instead wait for 5.3.8.

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@criterion9Aug 22.2011 — Good to know. Are they plannning to remove the download or only users who manage to find the discussion will know why it is broken?
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@NogDogauthorAug 22.2011 — Good to know. Are they plannning to remove the download or only users who manage to find the discussion will know why it is broken?[/QUOTE]

You'll have to ask them, not me. ?

PS: There is a fix in SVN there should you have installed 5.3.7 and your code uses crypt() with a salt (otherwise as far as I can tell you should not be affected by the bug).
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@criterion9Aug 22.2011 — You'll have to ask them, not me. ?

PS: There is a fix in SVN there should you have installed 5.3.7 and your code uses crypt() with a salt (otherwise as far as I can tell you should not be affected by the bug).[/QUOTE]

Good thing I'm still a version back. ?
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@NogDogauthorAug 22.2011 — Good thing I'm still a version back. ?[/QUOTE]

My web host is still on 5.2.something, but don't tell anyone. ?
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@NoasITAug 22.2011 — Apparently I'm two back on all 3 of my servers! 5.3.5!


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