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When i save a photo from my site …..

it shows them as a Bitmap, but in my files and everything i use JPG, nad also it takes forever to load and the photos r 50-60 KB? why?

i ahve had ppl say it loads slow cus of the pics that r BMP

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26 Comments(s)

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@ray326Jan 05.2004 — It didn't seem particularly slow to me but your image size attributes don't match your physical image sizes. That's causing browsers to do extra work to resize the images on the fly PLUS that's not the purpose of those attributes in the first place.

When do a save-as on the images they come up with the right type. Maybe you're getting that feedback from IE users.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 05.2004 — ya i am using IE and so r most of the ppl that r on my site, but when they save the files they r saing they r BMP
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@IncaWarriorJan 05.2004 — did you save them as jpg or just rename them as jpg?
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 05.2004 — i take pics with my cam then itis a jpg then i uplaod them
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@starrwriterJan 05.2004 — [i]Originally posted by modifier_guy [/i]

[B]ya i am using IE and so r most of the ppl that r on my site, but when they save the files they r saing they r BMP [/B][/QUOTE]

Here's the explanation: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/win2000/r1022795907
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 05.2004 — still i am on windows 98 sadly and that dintseem to wrok, i cleared evrything?
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@Aronya1Jan 05.2004 — I'm at work right now & that annoyances.org site is blocked on our network for some reason, so I don't know what was addressed by the link provided, but here's my 2cts.

Right-clicking the two images on your home page & checking properties shows them to be jpegs. When I choose to save the images, I get .jpg as the default file format, but .bmp is also available in the drop-down. So, my first guess is that your users aren't checking their file type options. If they ARE, but there is no option for .jpg, I don't know what to tell you.

One suggestion; try optimizing your images before you upload them. They'll look better & load faster. My program of choice for this purpose is Irfanview. It's easy, stable and most important; FREE!
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 06.2004 — ok when i save a pic from my site it shows untitled. bmp, then i dont have a drop down menu it is a preset n saves as a bmp n i cnat change it
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@Aronya1Jan 06.2004 — Some of your images save properly and some don't. I don't know exactly what the problem is, but your site needs some work. Maybe if you clean things up, the situation will straighten itself out. With that in mind, here are a couple of suggestions;

There should only be one <head> section on each page. A quick look here [URL=http://]http://www.modfreaks.host.sk/projects.php[/URL] shows 3 opening <head> tags and 4 closing </head> tags.

ray326 pointed out that your images are actually of different size from their placeholders. Find and download Ifranview. Use it to resize the images to the sizes you set in your pages. You can also use it to optimize the files sizes so they will be much smaller. The 2 images on your home page are 200k & 250k in size. WAY! too big. Your whole site shouldn't be much bigger than that, including pics. Optimize your images & your site users will REALLY appreciate it.

Validate your HTML code. It almost looks like you did a bunch of cut & paste work. There is quite a bit of confusion going on when your pages load.

Hope that helps.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 06.2004 — ya i have most of my pics resizedfarily small but some are larger, n dont knwo y there r so many head tags, i will clean those up, n i will downlaod all my pics and resize them

i also use a prgram called jpeg resizer and I use that before i upload my pics to my site(not always but sometimes)

also it uses frames and my friend made the site i jsut edit it myself, but i will clean those head tages n things up niceely

thankyou i will clean ti up a bt then see what ti does
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@bj_saga2Jan 06.2004 — try to edit your picture on adobe photoshop! and then compressed ur pixs in small amount of data! if ur not familiar with adobe! i can help u bro! juz send me ur pixs!^_^

God bless U.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 06.2004 — ok i went thru downlaoded all the pics from my site n resized them then reuplaoded them, i think the bigest one is 55 KB or so. but i am still gettng that untitled thing
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@Aronya1Jan 06.2004 — Your HTML is still all messed up. I just loaded your home page. No images. Table in your [B][u]1st[/u][/B] <head> section. It's a real mess. Start there.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 06.2004 — ya i dint clean that up much i just resized some pics, i will clean it out
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 06.2004 — <HTML>



<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<BODY onLoad="popupWin()">






<IMG SRC="images/index_01.gif" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=119 Border="0"></TD>



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include ('http://modfreaks.host.sk/menu.php');



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<img src="/bryce/pic4.jpg" hieght="200" width="200" align="center">









<font size="-1">

Modfreaks Industries is not associated with or

affiliated in any way with X-Concepts®, makers of Modifiers<sup>Tm</sup>.

Also, all images on Modfreaks are property of their respective owners.





that is my html code when i go to my ftp prgram n go to edit my index. it looks diffrnet then when u go to my site and view source, my code loosk good when i open it in the ftp prgram i dont know why.
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@Aronya1Jan 06.2004 — Edit your local file, then transfer THAT to the server.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 06.2004 — ok but when i veiw source on my site it is diffrent code then when i open my index in ym ftp prgram? now if i edit it when i view source then uplaod it to my site wont it change it? cus if it wont i will do that?
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@IncaWarriorJan 07.2004 — some providers add code for ads or statistics. I've noticed that things sometimes appear differently when they are hosted compared to local. Don't know why
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 07.2004 — <HTML>



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<img src="/bryce/pic4.jpg" hieght="200" width="200" align="center">









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that si strait from my home page, now will it mess anything up if i were to save that to my computer edit it then uplaod it cus if u look above in one of my replys i showed it from my ftp prgram what if i replace that is it ok to do that or i unno i am comfussed, also i have text n an image on ym home page but it aint showing up? y?
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@Paul_JrJan 07.2004 — You're using some sort of Editor, that I am sure of. What are you using?

P.S., this is pretty much unrelated to your current problem.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 07.2004 — i use cute HTML editor to edit things, cus i go cute ftp, then click the file then go to edit n it opens with cute HTMl editor
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@Paul_JrJan 07.2004 — [i]Originally posted by modifier_guy [/i]

[B]i use cute HTML editor to edit things[/B][/QUOTE]

Stop. Learn to code by hand first. Editors aren't bad -- they can make your life much easier, but even DW can generate horrid code in the hands of an inexperienced user. You've got like... *counts* 6 <body> tags, and probably just as many <html> tags in your code.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 08.2004 — so what to suggest? cus all i have been doing is just editing the body area n some small Java n things, but i also dont know about the body tags why it makes so many cus my friend made the layout
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@Aronya1Jan 08.2004 — I think others here would back me up when I say that your ultimate best (and easiest) choice in the long run would be to rebuild your site from scratch, but that never seems to look like the easy way when one is in your position. So...

Start here: [URL=http://validator.w3.org/]http://validator.w3.org/[/URL]
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@Paul_JrJan 08.2004 — [i]Originally posted by Aronya1 [/i]

[B]I think others here would back me up when I say that your ultimate best (and easiest) choice in the long run would be to rebuild your site from scratch, but that never seems to look like the easy way when one is in your position. So...

Start here: [URL=http://validator.w3.org/]http://validator.w3.org/[/URL] [/B]

http://www.w3schools.com is a very good place to start -- I would also reccomend getting [i][u]Designing with web standards[/u][/i] by Jeffery Zeldman. Très bon.
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@modifier_guyauthorJan 08.2004 — ok i think i am just gonna leave my site alone it still works great n looks good i am not into this whole big thing about makeing big layouts n things i will try to validate it thought


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