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Simple code for multi-level selection

I want to modify the bellow code to add more forms. The present form have a 3-level dropdown selection, I want to three of them. The final selection leads to selectplace1table.php from the line

[CODE] window.location=’selectplace1table.php?stateid=’+document.form1.state.value+’&cityid=’+document.form1.city.value;[/CODE]

and I want to go to selectplace1table.php?a=ProductOfForm1&b=ProductOfForm2&b=ProductOfForm3

In fact, I need to add form2 and form3 particularly on the redirection (it should be by a Submit button, not buy last selection).

The code is

<title>Selecting yaarr…</title>

<script language=”javascript”>
function change()
alert(“Please Select State”);
return false;
else if(document.form1.city.value==””)
alert(“Please Select City”);
return false;


$res_c=mysql_query(“select * from onetable”);

echo “<script language=javascript>n”;
echo “function chgitems1()n”;
echo “{n”;
echo “var d=document.form1;n”;
echo “if(d.state.value==0)n”;
echo “{n”;
echo “d.city.options.length = 0;n”;
echo “d.city.options[0]=new Option(“Select City”,””)n”;
echo “}n”;
echo “if(d.state.value==”.$row_c[‘id’].”)n”;
echo “{n”;
echo “d.city.length=0;n”;
$sub_res=mysql_query(“SELECT * from onetable where pid=”.$row_c[‘id’].” order by name”);
echo “d.city.options[0]=new Option(“Select City”,””)n”;
echo “d.city.options[“.$i.”]=new Option(‘”.$sub_row[‘name’].”‘,'”.$sub_row[‘id’].”‘);n”;
echo “}n”;
echo “}”;

echo “function chgitems2()n”;
echo “{n”;
echo “var p=document.form1;n”;
echo “if(p.city.value==0)n”;
echo “{n”;
echo “p.place.options.length = 0;n”;
echo “p.place.options[0]=new Option(“Select Place”,””)n”;
echo “}n”;
$res_c=mysql_query(“select * from onetable”);
echo “if(p.city.value==”.$row_p[‘id’].”)n”;
echo “{n”;
echo “p.place.length=0;n”;
$sub_res=mysql_query(“SELECT * from onetable where pid=”.$row_p[‘id’].” order by name”);
echo “p.place.options[0]=new Option(“Select Place”,””)n”;
echo “p.place.options[“.$i.”]=new Option(‘”.$sub_row[‘name’].”‘,'”.$sub_row[‘id’].”‘);n”;
echo “}n”;
echo “}”;
echo “</script>n”;
<table width=”90%” border=”0″ align=”center” cellpadding=”1″ cellspacing=”0″>
<td valign=”top” bgcolor=”#010E33″><table width=”100%” border=”0″ cellpadding=”3″ cellspacing=”0″ bgcolor=”#FFFFFF”>
<tr align=”center”>
<td colspan=”3″>&nbsp;</td>
<tr align=”center”>
<td colspan=”3″><form action=”” method=”post” name=”form1″>
<table width=”70%” border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”3″>
<td width=”46%” align=”right”><span class=”mtext5″>Select State</span> </td>
<td width=”2%” align=”center” class=”mtext5″>:</td>
<td width=”52%”><select name=”state” class=”input_form” style=”width:150″ onChange=”chgitems1();”>
<option value=”” selected>Select State</option>
/*$state=$_POST[‘state1′]; */

$query1=mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM onetable where pid=’0′”);
echo “<option value=’$list1[id]’ >$list1[name]</option>”;
<td width=”46%” align=”right” class=”mtext5″><span class=”mtext5″>Select City</span> </td>
<td width=”2%” align=”center” class=”mtext5″>:</td>
<td width=”52%”><select name=”city” class=”input_form” style=”width:150″ onChange=”chgitems2();”>
<option value=”” selected>Select City</option>
<? if(!empty($_GET[‘stateid’]) )
{<?php */

$query1=mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM onetable where pid='”.$_GET[‘stateid’].”‘”);
echo “<option value=’$list1[id]’ >$list1[name]</option>”;
</select> </td>

<tr><td width=”46″ align=”center”>

<td width=”46%” align=”right” class=”mtext5″><span class=”mtext5″>Select Place</span> </td>
<td width=”2%” align=”center” class=”mtext5″>:</td>
<td width=”52%”><select name=”place” class=”input_form” style=”width:150″ onChange=”return change(this)”>
<option value=”” selected>Select Place</option>
<? if(!empty($_GET[‘stateid’]) && !empty($_GET[‘cityid’]))
{<?php */

$query1=mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM onetable where pid='”.$_GET[‘cityid’].”‘”);
echo “<option value=’$list1[id]’ >$list1[name]</option>”;
<tr><td width=”46″ align=”center”>



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