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url rewrite ?


I was wondering someting about url rewrite(i think it’s url rewrite atleast) and hope someone can help me

let’s say my page is [url]http://domain.com[/url] and in it there is a link to [url]http://domain.com/folder/subfolder/[/url]

when someone goes to [url]http://domain.com/folder/subfolder/[/url] i would like [url]http://mydomain.com/file.php[/url] to be used and shown. however the url shown in the url bar is still showing [url]http://domain.com/folder/subfolder/[/url] How can this be done? can someone please show me ? thank you very very much in advance.

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@mahfoozMay 07.2010 — well you can try this... in .htaccess file in root directory

[code=html]Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^folder/subfolder/?$ file.php[/code]


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