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I created a simple slideshow:


<iframe src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg” width=”448″ height=”336″ name=”iframe_a”>
<a href=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg” target =”iframe_a”><img src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg” width=”80″ height=”60″></a>
<a href=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTTic4mTI/AAAAAAAADKs/4eJn_aJuMyk/s800/image2.jpg” target =”iframe_a”><img src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTTic4mTI/AAAAAAAADKs/4eJn_aJuMyk/s800/image2.jpg” width=”80″ height=”60″></a>
<a href=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yVdtKSofI/AAAAAAAADLQ/wSg6hOHzlFs/s800/image3.jpg” target =”iframe_a”><img src=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yVdtKSofI/AAAAAAAADLQ/wSg6hOHzlFs/s800/image3.jpg” width=”80″ height=”60″></a>


The problem is my images are of different sizes and they don’t center in the iframe. How can I resolve the problem? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!

Kind regards
Rain lover

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16 Comments(s)

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@tirnaMar 26.2010 — Maybe try the following:

1) set the width of the images' containing div equal to the total widrh of the images.

2) giv the div a style of margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
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@Rain_LoverauthorMar 26.2010 — Thanks for the answer!

Is that what you mean:

[CODE]<div style="width:1148px;margin: 0px auto 0px auto;">
<iframe src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg" width="448" height="336" name="iframe_a">
</div> [/CODE]

If so, it doesn't work.
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@yamaharussMar 26.2010 — That margin will only define how the div is set, not it's content. Try adding text-align:center to it's style.
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@Rain_LoverauthorMar 26.2010 — That margin will only define how the div is set, not it's content. Try adding text-align:center to it's style.[/QUOTE]

It centers the whole iframe, not the image inside it.
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@tirnaMar 26.2010 — no, I meant the total width of the images within the div.

I see your image width in the iframe is 448px

Try changing

<div style="width:1148px;margin: 0px auto 0px auto;">


<div style="width:448px;margin: 0px auto 0px auto;">

I now get a 448px wide centered iframe with a creamy coloured hous in my IE8 browser.

Add a bit to the height and width of the div to get rid of the scroll bars.

[B]BTW:[/B] why put the image in an iframe? You could just use an <img /> tag inside the div and you won't have to worry about the scroll bars and your image will be automatically centred.
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@Rain_LoverauthorMar 26.2010 — It works well for the first image as it's 448x336 px. But for the smaller images (images 2 & 3) it doesn't work.
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@tirnaMar 26.2010 — Try the following.

In IE8 it centres the large image and then centres the 3 smaller ones in a line directly below the large image

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<div style="width:448px; margin: 0px auto 0px auto;">
<iframe src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg" width="448" height="336" name="iframe_a">


<div style="width:265px; margin: 0px auto 0px auto;">
<a href="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg" target ="iframe_a"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTNbhSskI/AAAAAAAADKo/IjVMzaM42Kk/s800/image1.jpg" width="80" height="60" /></a>

<a href="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTTic4mTI/AAAAAAAADKs/4eJn_aJuMyk/s800/image2.jpg" target ="iframe_a"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yTTic4mTI/AAAAAAAADKs/4eJn_aJuMyk/s800/image2.jpg" width="80" height="60" /></a>

<a href="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yVdtKSofI/AAAAAAAADLQ/wSg6hOHzlFs/s800/image3.jpg" target ="iframe_a"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_qkZzGyIkXmo/S6yVdtKSofI/AAAAAAAADLQ/wSg6hOHzlFs/s800/image3.jpg" width="80" height="60" /></a>

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@tirnaMar 26.2010 — If you want the smaller images centred as well in the iframe when you click on them, then you will need a javascript function that is called when you click the thumbnail link that will resize the width of the iframe container div to the width of the enlarged thumbnail.
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@Rain_LoverauthorMar 26.2010 — Yes, that's exactly what I want, but I cannot use JavaScript in my Site.
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@tirnaMar 26.2010 — why can't you use javascript on your site?
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@cootheadMar 27.2010 — I suggested to Rain Lover that he/she used html files instead of img files to ensure centering but he/she said...
[color=navy]Thanks for the answer, but I can't create a single page for each image. I'm going to have a slideshow of

200 images and it can be very cumbersome and time-consuming. [/color]

So I did a javascript solution for him/her here...
  • [*]http://www.htmlforums.com/showpost.php?p=736894&postcount=4
  • [/list]

    ...but he/she said...
    [color=navy]Yes, that's exactly what I want, but I cannot use JavaScript in my Site. [/color][/quote]
    I have a sneaky suspicion that he/she is just extracting the urine. ?

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    @Major_PayneMar 27.2010 — Your question was answered HERE, too. ?
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    @tirnaMar 27.2010 — hhhmmmm... I wonder if he/she is actually a student and they haven't covered javascript in the course yet and that is why they don't want to use JS ? ?
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    @Rain_LoverauthorMar 28.2010 — why can't you use javascript on your site?[/QUOTE]

    Do you know [I]Google Sites[/I]? On Google Sites you cannot use JavaScript.

    hhhmmmm... I wonder if he/she is actually a student and they haven't covered javascript in the course yet and that is why they don't want to use JS[/QUOTE]

    I'm not a student, but I'm interested in web designing and read articles at times.
    Copy linkTweet thisAlerts:
    @Rain_LoverauthorMar 28.2010 — I suggested to Rain Lover that he/she used html files instead of img files to ensure centering but he/she said...

    So I did a javascript solution for him/her here...
  • [*]http://www.htmlforums.com/showpost.php?p=736894&postcount=4
  • [/list]

    ...but he/she said...

    I have a sneaky suspicion that he/she is just extracting the urine. ?


    Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us! ?

    Your solution is really nice, but I can't use it on my Site.
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    @cootheadMar 28.2010 — Hi there Rain Lover,
    [color=navy]Do you know Google Sites? On Google Sites you cannot use JavaScript.[/color][/quote]

    I'm not a student, but I'm interested in web designing


    Well, if you are really interested in web designing and want real solutions to your problems,

    then you should seriously consider getting a real site. ?

    I am sure that one would not cost you an arm and a leg. ?

    My site costs about £1 or $1.50 per week.



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