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[RESOLVED] Some for loop help please.

Hi folks. Here’s the code I have so far:

[code]<script language=javascript type=text/javascript>
var i, sum=0;

for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
sum = sum+i;
document.write(“The total is: ” +sum);

What I now need to do is modify the above to allow the user to input a value. So basically that would be 1+2+3+4+5+n?

I made an attempt at it, but I just don’t know where to put n in the loop. I am very new to javascript.


<title>For Loop</title>
<script language=javascript type=text/javascript>
var i, sum=0;
var n =eval(document.myform.number.value);

for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
sum = sum+i;
document.write(“The total is: ” +sum);

<form name=”myform” onSubmit=”calculate();”>
<h2>Enter a number</h2>
<p><label for=”number”>Input number here: </label><input type=”text” size=”10″ name=”number” id=”number”/> </p>
<input type=”submit” value=”Calculate”/>


Anyway thanks. ?

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8 Comments(s)

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@blue-eye-labsOct 28.2009 — First things first, I would definitely NOT use that eval() statement to get the number out since there is unvalidated user input and they could put anything (e.g. "alert("hello");" or something annoying).

What you should probably do is create a function which does your calculation for you and then writes it to a specific element. So, exemplia gratia:

//Define the function
function doMySum() {
//First get the number from the user input
//I assume this should be an integer, rather than a float?
var n = document.getElementById("number").value.parseInt();

//Create an empty string to hold your "The total is: ..." stuff
var sum_string = "";

//Create iterator and sum variables
var i;
var sum = 0;

//Now run the for loop
for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
//Add the sum
sum = sum + (i+1);

//Add a <br/> before this line if it's not the first line
if(i>0) { sum_string += "<br/>"; }

//Write the sum string
sum_string += "The total is: " + sum;

//Now write the output to a div called "output".
//This will over-write anything currently in there.
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = sum_string;

//Return false to stop any links being followed or forms being submitted.
return false;

Then you can just add [code=html]onsubmit="return doMySum();"[/code] to the form tag.

Don't forget to create the "output" element (a <div>) should do the trick.

I hope that helps.
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@blue-eye-labsOct 28.2009 — Sorry, that should be
var n = parseInt(document.getElementById("number").value);

Instead of
var n =document.getElementById("number").value. parseInt();

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@KorOct 28.2009 — Sorry, that should be
var n = parseInt(document.getElementById("number").value);

</i>var n = parseInt(document.getElementById("number").value, [B][COLOR="Blue"]10[/COLOR][/B]);

If no base radix specified, parseInt() might consider some decimal numbers as octal, because, in fact, [B]parseInt([/B][I][COLOR="Blue"]number[/COLOR],[COLOR="Green"]base[/COLOR][/I][B])[/B] method was designed to parse a [COLOR="Blue"]number[/COLOR] from a [COLOR="Green"]certain base[/COLOR] to decimal. It is safer to specify [I]which[/I] is that certain base, 10 in your case.

</i>var x='0112';
alert(parseInt(x)); //returns 74
alert(parseInt(x,10)); //returns 112
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@blue-eye-labsOct 28.2009 — @Kor:

Thanks for that, I hadn't realised.
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@KrooKedUKauthorOct 28.2009 — Thank-you both for your replies that works perfectly ?

I assume that if I want to limit the number input by the user I would use an if statement and have a message show telling them to input a number between 0 and 20?
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@blue-eye-labsOct 28.2009 — 
I assume that if I want to limit the number input by the user I would use an if statement and have a message show telling them to input a number between 0 and 20?

Yup, just check the value of [B]n[/B] and if it's outside of your range then have some sort of popup, alert, red-div or whatever else you can think of ?
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@KrooKedUKauthorOct 29.2009 — Ok, thanks for the help dude ?
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@blue-eye-labsOct 29.2009 — You're welcome. Mark the thread as resolved.


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