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Multiple if (conditions)’s ???

Alright so I have a list of upcoming events and I want it to ONLY show the upcoming events from the next 7 days. So I need 2 if (conditions):


  • [*]

    if (date is greater than or equal to today)

  • [*]

    if (date is less than or equal to today’s date plus 7)

  • [/LIST]

    How do I use 2 if conditions? How would I write “today’s date plus 7”?

    Here’s the original script which displays ALL future upcoming events.

    [CODE] if ($row[‘date’] >= date(‘Y-m-d’))

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    2 Comments(s)

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    @MindzaiApr 22.2009 — [code=php]$date = strtotime($row['date']);
    if ($date >= time() && $date <= strtotime("+1 week")) {
    // some time in the next week
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    @shizzzleeauthorApr 22.2009 — ty!!!!!!! ?


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