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Syntax question

I have found this as part of a navigation script.

.nav ul { …. margin & list-style-type setting … }

ul.nav { … width setting … }

ul.nav>li { … margin & padding setting … }

ul.nav li>ul { … sub-list item settings of width, margin, left, display …}

ul.nav li:hover>ul { … display change … }

nav ul li a { … display changes without hover …}

.nav ul,
nav ul li a { … color settings only … }

ul.nav li:hover { … color settings only … }

ul { border settings … }

.nav a { … text decoration … }


My question is how does the syntax differ in results?
For example
.nav ul {
looks like both control the same thing (?)
All <UL> with a ‘class=nav”
All ‘class=nav’ with <UL> tags are given a paritcular look when rendered.

Is there a purpose for the “duplicated” syntax, or is this just good practice?

Later into the style there is a:
ul.nav>li {
ul.nav li>ul {

What does the ‘>’ do in this context and is is different from:
ul.nav li {
ul.nav li ul {

The style sheet works well but I just don’t understand the syntax differences
and my references do not dwell on this.

Thanks for any insight. ?

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@Declan1991Jun 18.2008 — "ul.nav" gets all uls with the class "nav".

".nav ul" gets all uls who are a descendant of an element with the class "nav".

I'd say that is a multilevel navigation, and the second is to control the inner uls.

">" is the direct child selector (" " or space is the child selector) and selects all elements who are a direct descendant of the previous element. It only works in IE 7+.


"ul.nav>li" selects lis whose parent is a ul with the class nav.

"ul.nav li>ul" selects all uls whose parent is a li, which is a descendant of a ul with the class nav.
<ul class="nav"> <!-- ul 1-->
<li>1 <!-- li 1-->
<ul class="nav"> <!-- ul 2 -->
<li>1.1</li> <!-- li1.1 -->
<li>1.2</li> <!-- li 1.2-->
<li> <!-- li 2 -->
<div> <!-- div1 -->
<ul> <!-- ul 3 -->
<li></li> <!-- li 2.1 -->

ul.nav gets ul1 and ul2.

.nav ul gets ul2 and ul3.

ul.nav>li gets li1 and li2

ul.nav li gets all the lis (li1,li1.1,li1.2,li2,li2.1).

ul.nav li>ul gets ul2 (note NOT ul3 because that is not a direct descendant of an li, its parent is a div.
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@JMRKERauthorJun 18.2008 — Thank you ? ... I think I need to study on this before I ask anymore questions.


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