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Conditional JS coding

I want to call a common JS script file from the HTML code, like:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”Common.js”></script>

In the JS script I can set a constant or variable for one condition.
Not a problem.
I can also create a variation of the Common.js file (like ‘CommonMod.js’) with the second condition.
Not a problem.

What I would like to do is have the script logic so that I could call the same Common.js script
from 2 different HTML files for one condition or the other.

Sort of like a ‘conditional pseudo-compiler’ that would use the condition selected in the HTML file
without reverting to 2 separate JS files with the condition initialize differently in each JS script file.

Question: Is there some sort of code/script I can use to do this? ?

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@mrhooNov 03.2007 — Occasionally I have an IE version of a script.

For example, events.js and events_ie.js

I pass any conditional urls with a trailing underscore to a createElement('script') or an xmlHTTPRequest GET method, like this:


and I resolve the url in the script handling method -

var rep=(document.addEventListener)? '.js': '_ie.js';

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@JMRKERauthorNov 04.2007 — Thanks 'mrhoo'.

While it's not exactly what I was originally thinking,

I believe I can use it. I may need the extra hour we spring forward tonight,

but I'll get back with a more concrete example if I can make it work.

Instead of two different JS files (like you have with 'events.js' and 'events_ie.js')

I was thinking only one file to modify,

but using the flag passed to determine what part of the script to use.

I think I can use your 'replace'ment function to set the flag to my needs.

Thanks for the ideas. I think I can make it work my specific needs. ?
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@nitro2k01Nov 04.2007 — This is more or less what mrhoo said, but written in code.<i>
</i>&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var filename;

if (condition)
filename = "iftrue.js";
filename = "justincaseitisfalse.js";

var elm = document.createElement("SCRIPT");

type = "text/javascript";
src = filename;


If you really really want to have everything in the same file, you could do it like this:if(condition){
window.myfunc = function(){
alert("myfunc created with condition == true!");
window.myfunc2 = function(){
alert("myfunc2 created with condition == true!");
window.myfunc = function(){
alert("myfunc created with condition == false");
window.myfunc2 = function(){
alert("myfunc2 created with condition == false");
Don't use var inside the if block if you want things to be globally accessible!
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@JMRKERauthorNov 04.2007 — Here's what I done. It doesn't give any errors, but it also doesn't work!

Note: just saw last post by 'nitro2k01' because I was working on this Example idea below.

I will need some extra time to digest this new information. I'm not sure what I'm trying to ask is as complicated as the answer given, but I'll look!

This is just a silly example to test the actions of what I'm trying to do, but

I don't think I'm using the 'addEventListener' function correctly or in the correct place.

Contents of 'Example.js'
// Example.js
// from an idea at: http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=165046

var rep=(document.addEventListener)? 'plus.gif': 'minus.gif';
var img = '_';
img = img.replace(/_/,rep);

document.getElementById('GIFimage').src = img;

Contents of 'Example.html'
<script type="text/javascript" src='Example.js'></script>
I thought I should do this in the body tag
<body onLoad="addEventListener('plus.gif')">
but I haven't tried yet.
Image showed should be either <br />
plus.gif or minus.gif <br />
<img id='GIFimage' src='' alt="Image">


The images are just standard + and - gif images so you can replace with your own choice.

All I'm trying to do is control what happens in the JS script with a parameter passed by the HTML code.

Comments on my idea? Any help to clarify my ignorance is appreciated.
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@mrhooNov 04.2007 — Maybe this is closer.

This little 'loadwhat' script tests the implementation before loading the much larger 'script.js' file.

Depending on the presence of a meta element in the html, the larger script is added after the document loads, with a createElement call, else document.write inserts it into the document while it is loading.

in the html head element:

[B]<meta name= "load-late" content="script.js"> [/B](present to trigger condition)

[B]<script type= "text/javascript" src="loadwhat.js"></script>[/B]

// the loadwhat.js file:
[CODE]if(document.implementation && typeof Run== 'undefined'){
document.getFirstNamed= function(str){
var el= document.getElementsByName(str);
if(el.length && el[0].content)return el[0];
return false;
Run= {
addEvent: function(who,wot,fun){
return who.addEventListener(wot,fun,false);
imp: function(wot,wch){
var di= document.implementation;
if(!di.hasFeature) return false;
wch= wch || '';
return di.hasFeature(wot,wch);
return new Date().getTime()
Run.loadlate= document.getFirstNamed('load-late');
if(!document.addEventListener && document.attachEvent){
Run.asIE= true;
Run.addEve= function(who,wot,fun){
return who.attachEvent('on'+ wot,fun);
Run.loadtime= Run.time();
var who= Run.loadlate;
var url= decodeURIComponent(who.content);
var el= document.createElement('script');
el.type= "text/javascript";
el.src= url;
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>');


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