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Script in Dreamweaver Doesn’t Work

Used the following script for rollover in Dreamworker MX. Will not work although it does in an earlier version. Anyone know why?
<TITLE>A Simple Rollover</TITLE>
<script language=”javascript”>
<p><A HREF=next.htm” onMouseover=
redArrow.gif'” onMouseout=
blueArrow.gif'”><IMG SRC=images/
blueArrow.gif” WIDTH169 HEIGHT=62
BORDER=0 NAME=”arrow”></A>

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@Tweak4Jun 08.2007 — You're saying it won't work in Dreamweaver? That seems pretty irrelevant to me- the important thing is whether or not it works in a browser. Most editors fail to render "active" content properly, so they're never a good indication of whether or not something is working correctly.

Personally, I think I would probably move the rollover events to the image itself and just have them operate on "this.src". Or at the very least, change your image name to an ID and change the events to use document.getElementById("arrow").src- that tends to be a little more reliable than using the name attribute.


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