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Really simple animation script – not working :(

This script works in Opera 9, IE 6 and IE 7, but not in Firefox ?


function d2h(d) {return d.toString(16);} // Thanks Felgall! [got it from from javascript.about.com]
var anim = {
startVal: 223,
endVal: 244,
curVal: 223,
aObj: null,
tOut: null,
start: function(obj) {
if (anim.tOut) clearTimeout(anim.tOut);
if (obj) {
anim.aObj = obj;
anim.curVal = anim.startVal;
anim.aObj.style.backgroundColor = “#” + d2h(anim.curVal) + d2h(anim.curVal) + d2h(anim.curVal); // line 15
if (anim.curVal < anim.endVal) {
anim.tOut = setTimeout(anim.start, 20);
end: function() {
if (anim.tOut) clearTimeout(anim.tOut);
anim.aObj.style.backgroundColor = “#” + d2h(anim.startVal) + d2h(anim.startVal) + d2h(anim.startVal);


<a href=”#” onMouseOver=”anim.start(this)” onMouseOut=”anim.end()”>Page 1</a>
<a href=”#” onMouseOver=”anim.start(this)” onMouseOut=”anim.end()”>Page 2</a>
<a href=”#” onMouseOver=”anim.start(this)” onMouseOut=”anim.end()”>Page 3</a>
<a href=”#” onMouseOver=”anim.start(this)” onMouseOut=”anim.end()”>Page 4</a>

This is what FireBug is showing me:

anim.aObj.style has no properties
start(-20)common.js (line 15)
anim.aObj.style.backgroundColor = “#” + d2h(anim.curVal) + d2h(anim.curVal) + …

The error occurs on the second function call.
Please help ?

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@ZnupiauthorApr 09.2007 — Nevermind, I fixed it, it seems that in Firefox, setTimeout adds some parameters (in this case the first parameter was -22 ?). So I changed
if (obj) {
if (typeof(obj)=="object") {


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