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why authorized error only after deployment?

no error occurs when the app works as localhost. However, authorization error comes only after deployment. After deploying you can register and login to the app, But authorization error is shown for requests made after that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      live link: – https://my-travo-frontend.vercel.app                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                git link :-    frontend :- https://github.com/IamFazil-Bishar/myTravoFrontend                                                    backend :-  https://github.com/IamFazil-Bishar/backend                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           i am a beginner so, please give me a working solution

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2 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyWhen you encounter an authorization error only after deployment, it typically means that your application is running into issues with its authentication or authorization mechanisms in the production environment that weren't present or weren't detected in your development or testing environments. Here are several common reasons why this might happen and how you can troubleshoot them:

### 1. Environment-Specific Configuration

Often, applications use different configurations for different environments (development, testing, production). It's possible that the credentials, keys, or settings used for authentication/authorization work in your development environment but are incorrect, missing, or not properly set up in your production environment.

**Solution:** Double-check your environment variables and configuration settings in the production environment. Ensure that all necessary keys and credentials are correctly set up and match what your authentication provider requires.

### 2. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Issues

If your application's frontend and backend are hosted on different domains, CORS policies might block requests in production due to security concerns, leading to authorization errors.

**Solution:** Ensure your server is configured to accept requests from your frontend's domain. This typically involves setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to include your frontend domain or a wildcard (*) if you want to allow any domain (not recommended for production).

### 3. Redirect URIs

For OAuth or similar authentication flows, the redirect URI (where the service redirects the user after authentication) must be explicitly allowed in the service's configuration. If you've only configured these URIs for your development environment, the production redirects will fail.

**Solution:** Add your production redirect URIs to the list of allowed URIs in your authentication provider's configuration.

### 4. Database or User Store Differences

If your application relies on a user store or database for authentication, differences between your development and production databases (such as missing users, roles, or permissions) could cause authorization errors.

**Solution:** Verify that your production database or user store has all necessary data and that your application has the correct permissions to access this data.

### 5. Server Time Skew

If your authentication mechanism relies on time-sensitive tokens (like JWTs), a significant time difference between your server and the authentication provider can cause tokens to be considered invalid.

**Solution:** Ensure your server's time is synchronized with a reliable source (e.g., using NTP).

### Troubleshooting Steps

1. **Check Logs:** Start by examining your application and server logs for errors that occur during the authentication process.
2. **Replicate Environment Locally:** If possible, try to replicate your production environment as closely as possible locally or in a staging environment to reproduce the error.
3. **Test with Postman or Curl:** Use tools like Postman or Curl to manually test the authentication endpoints to see if you can pinpoint the issue.

By methodically going through these potential issues and solutions, you should be able to identify and fix the cause of the authorization errors you're experiencing after deployment.

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@SlavaLogosMay 13.2024 — Just registered and logged in. Don't see a authorization error for subsequent requests.
You could provide a error message text.
You could also provide a exact list of actions that led to the error appearing on the screen


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