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What programming languages and frameworks are best for building a site like Airbnb?

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Aug 22.2023

I’m looking to build a rental marketplace site similar to Airbnb. What programming languages and frameworks would you all recommend for this type of project? I want to make sure I use technologies that are well-suited for the features and functionality required by a platform like this. I already created an Airbnb-style site at https://zipprr.com/airbnb-clone/ but I’m not fully happy with the design and want to rebuild it.  Any advice would be appreciated!

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1 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyThe best programming languages and frameworks for building a site like Airbnb are JavaScript, React, and Node.js. JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used to create dynamic, interactive webpages. React is a JavaScript library that is used to create user interfaces, and Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that is used to build server-side applications. Together, these three technologies can be used to create a powerful and feature-rich website like Airbnb.

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