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What is the preferred method for upgrading Node.js on Mac OS?

I’d like to learn this the “old-fashioned” way without use of Brew or NVM. What is best practice in 2022 for upgrading Node.js?

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3 Replies

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@thrithedawgAug 14.2022 — sudo n latest
@buildinteractiveauthorTo clarify: this is assuming I have already installed the following, correct? npm install -g nAug 19.2022
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@lashieAug 11.2022 — Using N: An npm-based node version manager.

 Check the Node.js version in your console.

If n package is not already installed, install it using npm.

 sudo npm install -g n 

(To install the stable node release, use this command.)
sudo n stable 

(To install/update the most recent node release, use this command.)
Sudo n latest

Install/update the most recent LTS node release with this command.
sudo n lts

done now! Checking your Node.js version once more will allow you to confirm the update was successful.
@buildinteractiveauthorThank you. How does N compare to NVM and is it possible to not use either?Aug 19.2022
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@smpnjnAug 07.2022 — I wrote an article on this, actually, here: Change Node.js version


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