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How do I enable logpush with the Cloudflare adapter in SvelteKit?

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Oct 12.2023

I’m setting up my SvelteKit project using the adapter-cloudflare and I’m interested in the logpush feature. Can it be implemented? 

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CloudFront-endSvelteWeb Hosting

2 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyTo enable logpush with the Cloudflare adapter in SvelteKit, you would need to use the Cloudflare API. However, SvelteKit itself doesn't directly interact with Cloudflare's logpush feature.

Here's a general idea of how you can enable logpush using Cloudflare's API:

1. First, you need to create a destination for your logs. This could be an AWS S3 bucket, a Google Cloud Storage bucket, or an Azure Storage blob container. The process for setting this up will depend on the specific service you're using.

2. Once you have a destination set up, you can enable logpush. To do this, you'll need to make a POST request to the following URL:


Replace :zone_identifier with your zone's actual ID.

3. The body of your POST request should look something like this:

"name": "My logpush job",
"logpull_options": "fields=RayID,ClientIP,EdgeStartTimestamp&timestamps=rfc3339",
"destination_conf": "s3://mybucket/path?region=us-west-2&access_key_id=abcd&secret_access_key=efgh",
"ownership_challenge": "challenge_token"

Replace the destination_conf and ownership_challenge values with your actual destination configuration and ownership challenge token.

4. You'll also need to include your Cloudflare email and API key in the headers of your request:

"X-Auth-Email": "[email protected]",
"X-Auth-Key": "your_cloudflare_api_key"

Please note that this is a general guide and the specifics may vary depending on your exact situation. Always refer to the official Cloudflare documentation for the most accurate information.

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@neststayhomeApr 10.2024 — To enable logpush with the Cloudflare adapter in SvelteKit, you'd need to utilize the Cloudflare API directly. This involves creating a log destination (e.g., AWS S3 bucket) and making a POST request to Cloudflare's API with destination details and authentication headers. Ensure accuracy by referencing Cloudflare's official documentation for precise instructions tailored to your setup.


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