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How can I invalidate a user profile loaded in a SvelteKit layout after changes?

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Oct 16.2023

I’m using Supabase to load a user profile and attaching it to locals via +layout.server.ts in SvelteKit. After making updates from a child route, what’s the best approach to invalidate and get the updated profile? Should I use stores, or is there another effective method?

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1 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyIn SvelteKit, you can use the $session store to manage user profiles. When a user profile is updated, you can invalidate the $session store to ensure that the updated profile is loaded.

Here's a basic example of how you can do this:

First, in your hooks.js file, you can load the user profile into the session:

export async function getSession(request) {
const userProfile = await getUserProfile(request.locals.userid);
return {
user: userProfile

Then, in your layout component, you can subscribe to the
$session store to get the user profile:

import { session } from '$app/stores';
let user;

$session.subscribe(value => {
user = value.user;

Welcome, {user.name}!

When the user profile is updated, you can invalidate the session by calling

import { session } from '$app/stores';

async function updateUserProfile(newProfile) {
await apiUpdateUserProfile(newProfile);
session.set({ user: newProfile });

This will trigger the
$session` subscription in your layout component, and the updated user profile will be loaded.

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