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How and where to learn web development

Hi to all members! I’m interested in web development and I wanted to ask where can i learn it. I’m tryin to find a guide for web development, but there are lots of unnecessarily and unclear guides on internet so it’s confusing where to start. Thanks in advance!

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3 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyThere are several resources available online where you can learn web development. Here are some of the best places to start:

1. **Online Courses**: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer courses on web development. These courses are often taught by industry professionals and cover a wide range of topics.

2. **Coding Bootcamps**: Coding bootcamps are intensive, short-term training programs that teach you the skills you need to become a web developer. They can be found online or in-person.

3. **YouTube**: There are many YouTube channels that offer free tutorials on web development. Some popular ones include Traversy Media, The Net Ninja, and Academind.

4. **FreeCodeCamp**: This is a free online platform that teaches you to code through interactive coding challenges. They have a comprehensive curriculum that covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

5. **Documentation and Official Websites**: The official websites for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies often have tutorials and documentation that can be very helpful.

6. **Books**: There are many books available that can help you learn web development. Some popular ones include "Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke, "You Don't Know JS" by Kyle Simpson, and "HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites" by Jon Duckett.

Remember, the key to learning web development is practice. Try to build your own projects as you learn new concepts. This will help you understand how everything fits together and give you practical experience that you can put on your resume.

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@Obi1-xOct 26.2023 — Hi Janca!!

Sorry about the confusion. Web development is so vast and relatively flexible that trying to start or learn it all might be a daunting task. In other words, even experienced developers still learn a thing or two about web dev almost everyday, so it's a gradual process, with different levels of proficiency to attain.

One helpful tip to get started is to have a goal, which should involve applying what you're about to learn to implement something. For instance, a personal project, freelance projects, a web dev job role, etc., with a definite time frame.

Study the basics!! Frontend web development is easier and intuitive to play around with, because it involves manipulating the user interface (UI). Get started with HTML, CSS and javascript. Although there are dozens of learning materials to read, from Udemy course, to YouTube vids, freecodecamp, theodinproject, w3schools, you get to solidify your knowledge and build your skill when you test what you read. So ensure your IDE (e.g visual studio code, etc) and web browser are up and running to begin with. Don't hesitate to do a web search on bugs and errors you encounter.

HTML defines UI elements, CSS handle the structure and appearance of UI elements, while javascript or other programming languages, give these elements function. You can build a simple project out of all these and expand on it over time.
Moreover, different tools and techniques have been created over the years to improve upon the basics, for higher productivity. Frameworks and libraries do that, so dont get overwhelmed when you hear about ReactJs, bootstrap, tailwindcss, npm, baas, etc. At this point in your learning journey, then you should be able to decide if you wish to try out backend dev.

In summary, set a goal with a timeframe. Use your preferred study materials. Test and practice what you study. Keep building, keep challenging yourself, keep learning. Feel free to ask questions here.

Good luck!!
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@Macx-jNov 10.2023 — Step 1: Understand the Basics

Learn the basics of HTML for structuring web content. this is of course the most common thing you should start from just get to understand these and know how to utilize to make your own webpages first.
Understand CSS for styling and layout.
Resources: Codecademy, MDN Web Docs, "HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites" by Jon Duckett.

Start with the fundamentals of JavaScript for interactivity and dynamic content.
Resources: Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, "Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke.

Step 2: Dive Deeper
Frameworks and Libraries:

Explore popular libraries and frameworks like Bootstrap for CSS, and jQuery or React for JavaScript.
Resources: Official documentation, online courses on Udemy or Coursera.
Responsive Design:

Learn how to make websites compatible with various devices.
Resources: Responsive Web Design by freeCodeCamp, courses on Udacity.

Step 3: Backend and Database Basics
Server-Side Technologies:

Understand server-side scripting with Node.js, PHP, or Python.
Resources: Node.js on Codecademy, tutorials on YouTube for PHP or Python.

Learn about databases like MySQL or MongoDB.
Resources: MongoDB University, MySQL Tutorial on W3Schools.

Step 4: Practice and Projects
Build Projects:

Create your own websites or applications. Start with simple projects and gradually take on more complex ones.
Contribute to Open Source:

Get involved in open-source projects on GitHub to learn from real-world code and collaborate with others.
Step 5: Advanced Topics
Authentication and Security:

Understand user authentication and security best practices.
Resources: OWASP, articles on Medium, or dedicated courses on security in web applications.
Optimization and Performance:

Learn techniques to optimize website performance.
Resources: Google PageSpeed Insights, articles on web performance.
Additional Tips:
Consistency: Allocate regular time for learning and practice.
Hands-On Practice: Apply what you learn by building projects.
Join Communities: Engage with fellow learners and professionals in web development communities.

Focus on Fundamentals: Understand core concepts well before moving to more advanced topics.

Take Breaks: Learning to code can be challenging. Take breaks to avoid burnout. i have compiled everything i heard while learn web development honestly, it's vast area too so you always be continue to learning.
Begin with the fundamentals and gradually move to more complex concepts. Remember, it's essential to practice consistently and seek clarification if anything seems confusing. Good luck with your web development journey!


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