I'm an open-source enthusiast and maintainer looking to connect with people who share my passion. I'm keen to learn from and share my knowledge with the open-source community.
With this vision in mind, I launched my own self-hosted publication, backed with a pack of benefits of ghost cms that\'s un on node js, DevResources by Kasuncfdo, during my studies. The website is designed to provide a comprehensive collection of programming resources, tools, tutorials, and articles for developers. It serves as a hub for all the essential resources that developers need to stay updated in the ever-changing world of software development.
As a Technical Writer, I joined TechNews.LK, is an award-winning community-powered online publisher operated by Codeaffinity Technologies in Sri Lanka. My role was to contribute to tech-related content and keep readers updated on the latest advancements in technology. TechNews.LK is dedicated to providing the latest tech news in the Sinhala language and encourages user contributions. This means that anyone with access to the website can read news and get the latest updates, as well as contribute and update the latest news. By working as a freelance Technical Writer for TechNews.LK, I had the opportunity to contribute to this platform and help keep readers informed about the latest developments in the tech industry. My dedication to writing about the technology field has had a significant impact on my life, and it has led me to embark on my own tech journey. As I worked as a Technical Writer for TechNews.LK, I began to develop a deeper passion for technology and the impact it can have on people's lives. Through my writing, I was able to share my knowledge and insights with others, and this experience helped me to refine my skills as a writer and a technology enthusiast. I found myself constantly learning and staying up to date with the latest trends and advancements in the industry, which only fueled my desire to explore the world of tech even further. Looking back, I can see how my time as a Technical Writer for TechNews.LK helped shape my career and personal growth in meaningful ways. It has allowed me to pursue my passion for technology and use my skills to help others understand and appreciate the world of tech.