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Php File Size Error

I have built a File upload Form with the help of another.
I have put:

  • * Txt File Size Limit: 100MB

  • * Img File Size Limit: 100MB

  • * Audio File Size Limit: 100MB

  • * Video File Size Limit: 100MB
  • I am not uploading anything that is higher than 100MB but get message:
    “Warning: POST Content-Length of 10835360 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0”.

    For each file type, I have written custom error messages to be echoed should any file size exceed the limit. I am not getting my custom error messages echoed. Hence, believe I am not exceeding any the size limit on any file. Plus, I checked each file’s sizes and they do not exceed 100MB.

    I do not know to which type of file php is referring to. Which file is it referring to ?

    Tested a few times with different files that are lesser than 100MB but no luck.

    ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘0’);
    ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’, ‘0’);

    $conn = mysqli_connect(“localhost”,”root”,””,”followingbrowser”);
    if (!$conn)
    $error = mysqli_connect_error();
    $errno = mysqli_connect_errno();
    print “$errno: $errorn”;

    $error_msg = array();

    $text_allowed_ext = array(‘pdf’,’txt’,’doc’,’docx’);
    $video_allowed_ext = array(‘mp4′,’wav’,’ogg’,’flv’,’wmv’,’avi’);
    $img_allowed_ext = array(‘jpeg’,’jpg’,’png’,’gif’);
    $audio_allowed_ext = array(‘mp3′,’wav’);
    $img_mime_type = array(‘image/png’,’image/gif’,’image/jpeg’,’image/jpg’);
    $text_mime_type = array(‘application/pdf’,’text/plain’,’application/msword’,’application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document’);
    $video_mime_type = array(‘video/mp4′,’video/wav’,’video/ogg’,’video/flv’,’video/wmv’,’video/avi’);
    $audio_mime_type = array(‘audio/mpeg3’, ‘audio/x-mpeg-3′,’audio/mpeg’,’audio/wav’,’application/octet-stream’);


    $error = 0 ;

    //var_dump($_FILES); //For debugging.
    //Check whether the file was uploaded or not without any errors.
    if(!isset($_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”]) || !isset($_FILES[‘id_verification_txt_file’]) || !isset($_FILES[‘id_verification_audio_file’]) || !isset($_FILES[‘id_verification_img_file’])){
    $error_msg[‘all’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Please select all fields</p>’;
    $error = 1;


    $txt_file = $_FILES[“id_verification_txt_file”][“name”];
    $video_file = $_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”][“name”];
    $audio_file = $_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][“name”];
    $img_file = $_FILES[“id_verification_img_file”][“name”];

    //filters to check the file type extensions

    if(!in_array(pathinfo($txt_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),$text_allowed_ext)){
    $error_msg[‘txt_error’]= ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only PDF,text and DOC files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    if(!in_array(pathinfo($video_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),$video_allowed_ext)){
    $error_msg[‘video_error’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only MP4,WAV,OGG,FLV,WMV and AVI files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    if(!in_array(pathinfo($audio_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),$audio_allowed_ext)){
    $error_msg[‘audio_error’]= ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only MP3 and WAV files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    if(!in_array(pathinfo($img_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),$img_allowed_ext)){
    $error_msg[‘img_error’]= ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only JPG,JPEG,PNG and GIF files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    //checking mime type
    $error_msg[‘img_error’]= ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only JPG,JPEG,PNG and GIF files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    $error_msg[‘txt_error’]= ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only PDF,text and DOC files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    $error_msg[‘video_error’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only MP4,WAV,OGG,FLV,WMV and AVI files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;
    $error_msg[‘audio_error’]= ‘<p class=”text-danger”>Invalid Extensions.Only MP3 and WAV files are allowed’;
    $error = 1;

    echo mime_content_type($_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][‘tmp_name’]);

    //checking file size using filesize function

    if(filesize($_FILES[‘id_verification_txt_file’]) > 100000000){
    $error_msg[‘txt_file_size_err’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>File size is greater then 100MB.File size should not exceed the 100MB’;
    $error = 1;

    if(filesize($_FILES[‘id_verification_video_file’]) > 100000000){
    $error_msg[‘video_file_size_err’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>File size is greater then 100MB.File size should not exceed the 100MB’;
    $error = 1;

    if(filesize($_FILES[‘id_verification_audio_file’]) > 100000000){
    $error_msg[‘audio_file_size_err’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>File size is greater then 100MB.File size should not exceed the 100MB’;
    $error = 1;

    if(filesize($_FILES[‘id_verification_img_file’]) > 100000000){
    $error_msg[‘img_file_size_err’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>File size is greater then 100MB.File size should not exceed the 100MB’;
    $error = 1;

    //checking if there are no errors

    if($error == 0){
    $user = $user; //username here
    $db_user = ‘followingbrowser_user’; //Has to be in quotes.
    //Feed Id Verification Video File Upload Directory path.
    $directory_path = ‘uploads/id_verifications/’;
    //Make Directory under $user in ‘uploads/videos/id_verifications’ Folder.
    $directory_path_and_user_dir = $directory_path.$user;
    $db_user = ‘followingbrowser_user’; //Has to be in quotes.
    $mode = 0755;
    mkdir($directory_path_and_user_dir,$mode, TRUE); //This line is correct and working even without quoting $mode.

    //making directories of every files for respective user

    $video_directory = $directory_path_and_user_dir.’/videos’;
    $audio_directory = $directory_path_and_user_dir.’/audios’;
    $text_directory = $directory_path_and_user_dir.’/text’;
    $img_directory = $directory_path_and_user_dir.’/imgs’;

    $db_user = ‘followingbrowser_user’; //Has to be in quotes.
    $mode = 0755;
    mkdir($video_directory,$mode, TRUE); //This line is correct and working even without quoting $mode.

    $db_user = ‘followingbrowser_user’; //Has to be in quotes.
    $mode = 0755;
    mkdir($audio_directory,$mode, TRUE); //This line is correct and working even without quoting $mode.

    $db_user = ‘followingbrowser_user’; //Has to be in quotes.
    $mode = 0755;
    mkdir($text_directory,$mode, TRUE); //This line is correct and working even without quoting $mode.

    $db_user = ‘followingbrowser_user’; //Has to be in quotes.
    $mode = 0755;
    mkdir($img_directory,$mode, TRUE); //This line is correct and working even without quoting $mode.

    //uploading the videos files

    $upload_file_err = 0;

    //video files
    $video_file_name = $_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”][“name”];
    $video_file_tmp = $_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”][“tmp_name”];
    $video_file_type = $_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”][“type”];
    $video_file_size = $_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”][“size”];
    $video_file_error = $_FILES[‘id_verification_video_file’][‘error’];

    $video_file_ext = pathinfo($video_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    //audio files
    $audio_file_name = $_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][“name”];
    $audio_file_tmp = $_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][“tmp_name”];
    $audio_file_type = $_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][“type”];
    $audio_file_size = $_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][“size”];
    $audio_file_error = $_FILES[‘id_verification_audio_file’][‘error’];

    $audio_file_ext = pathinfo($audio_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    //image files
    $img_file_name = $_FILES[“id_verification_img_file”][“name”];
    $img_file_tmp = $_FILES[“id_verification_img_file”][“tmp_name”];
    $img_file_type = $_FILES[“id_verification_img_file”][“type”];
    $img_file_size = $_FILES[“id_verification_img_file”][“size”];
    $img_file_error = $_FILES[‘id_verification_img_file’][‘error’];

    $img_file_ext = pathinfo($img_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    //text files
    $txt_file_name = $_FILES[“id_verification_txt_file”][“name”];
    $txt_file_tmp = $_FILES[“id_verification_txt_file”][“tmp_name”];
    $txt_file_type = $_FILES[“id_verification_txt_file”][“type”];
    $txt_file_size = $_FILES[“id_verification_txt_file”][“size”];
    $txt_file_error = $_FILES[‘id_verification_txt_file’][‘error’];

    $txt_file_ext = pathinfo($txt_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    $video_user_file_dir = $video_directory.’/’.$video_file_name;
    $audio_user_file_dir = $audio_directory.’/’.$audio_file_name;
    $img_user_file_dir = $img_directory.’/’.$img_file_name;
    $txt_user_file_dir = $text_directory.’/’.$txt_file_name;

    //$audio_user_file_dir = $audio_directory.’/’.$file_name;

    $upload_err = 0;

    //uploading video file
    $error_msg[‘upload_video_error’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>You have already uploaded a video file to verify your ID! No need to upload and verify again</p>’;
    $upload_err = 1;

    $error_msg[‘upload_audio_error’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>You have already uploaded a Audio file to verify your ID! No need to upload and verify again</p>’;
    $upload_err = 1;

    $error_msg[‘upload_img_error’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>You have already uploaded a Image file to verify your ID! No need to upload and verify again</p>’;
    $upload_err = 1;

    $error_msg[‘upload_txt_error’] = ‘<p class=”text-danger”>You have already uploaded a Text file to verify your ID! No need to upload and verify again</p>’;
    $upload_err = 1;

    if($upload_err == 0){

    if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES[“id_verification_video_file”][“tmp_name”]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[“id_verification_audio_file”][“tmp_name”]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[“id_verification_txt_file”][“tmp_name”]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[“id_verification_img_file”][“tmp_name”])){

    // rename($video_user_file_dir , $video_directory.’/’.$user.’_id_verfication.’.$video_file_ext );
    // rename($audio_user_file_dir , $audio_directory.’/’.$user.’_id_verfication.’.$audio_file_ext );

    //rename($txt_user_file_dir , $text_directory.’/’.$user.’_id_verfication.’.$txt_file_ext );
    //rename($img_user_file_dir , $img_directory.’/’.$user.’_id_verfication.’.$img_file_ext );

    $success_msg = ‘Files has been uploaded successfully’;

    $error_msg = ‘Files failed in uploading! File upload attack could be the reason’;


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=”utf-8″>
    <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge”>
    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″>
    <title>Confirm Id Upload </title>

    <section class=”section confim-id-page”>
    <div class=”container”>
    <div class=”page-wrapper”>
    <div class=”page-title”>
    <h3><?php $site_name ?> ID Video Verification Form</h3>
    <p>Please upload your video for your ID Confirmation</p>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg) && !empty($error_msg)){ echo $error_msg[‘all’];} ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘upload_video_error’]) && !empty(
    $error_msg[‘upload_video_error’])){ echo $error_msg[‘upload_video_error’];} ?>
    <?php if(isset($success_msg) && !empty($success_msg)){ echo ‘<p class=”alert-success”>’.$success_msg.'</p>’;} ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg) && !empty($error_msg)){ echo ‘<p class=”alert-success”>’.$error_msg.'</p>’;} ?>
    <form method=”POST” action=”” enctype=”multipart/form-data” id=”videoUploadForm” name=”videoUploadForm”>
    <div class=”form-group”>
    <label class=”control-label”>Text File</label>
    <div class=”fileInput”>
    <input type=”file” name=”id_verification_txt_file” id=”id_verification_txt_file” class=”form-control custom-file-input” value=”uploaded ‘Id Verification Text File.'” required />
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘txt_error’]) && $error_msg[‘txt_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘txt_error’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘txt_file_size_err’]) && $error_msg[‘txt_file_size_err’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘txt_file_size_err’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘upload_txt_error’]) && $error_msg[‘upload_txt_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘upload_txt_error’]; } ?>
    <p id=”error1″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Invalid Format! Only Format of text, doc and pdf files extension are allowed.
    <p id=”error2″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Maximum File Size Limit is 100MB.
    <div class=”form-group”>
    <label class=”control-label”>Video File</label>
    <div class=”fileInput”>
    <input type=”file” name=”id_verification_video_file” id=”id_verification_video_file” class=”form-control custom-file-input” value=”uploaded ‘Id Verification Video File.'” required>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘video_error’]) && $error_msg[‘video_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘video_error’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘video_file_size_err’]) && $error_msg[‘video_file_size_err’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘video_file_size_err’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘upload_video_error’]) && $error_msg[‘upload_video_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘upload_video_error’]; } ?>
    <p id=”error3″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Invalid Format! Only Format of mp4,ogg,wmv,flv and avi and wav files extension are allowed.
    <p id=”error4″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Maximum File Size Limit is 100MB.
    <div class=”form-group”>
    <label class=”control-label”>Audio File</label>
    <div class=”fileInput”>
    <input type=”file” name=”id_verification_audio_file” id=”id_verification_audio_file” class=”form-control custom-file-input” value=”uploaded ‘Id Verification Audio File.'” required />
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘audio_error’]) && $error_msg[‘audio_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘audio_error’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘audio_file_size_err’]) && $error_msg[‘audio_file_size_err’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘audio_file_size_err’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘upload_audio_error’]) && $error_msg[‘upload_audio_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘upload_audio_error’]; } ?>
    <p id=”error5″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Invalid Format! Only Format of mp3 and wav files extension are allowed.
    <p id=”error6″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Maximum File Size Limit is 100MB.
    <div class=”form-group”>
    <label class=”control-label”>Image File</label>
    <div class=”fileInput”>
    <input type=”file” name=”id_verification_img_file” id=”id_verification_img_file” class=”form-control custom-file-input” value=”uploaded ‘Id Verification Image File.'” required />
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘img_error’]) && $error_msg[‘img_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘img_error’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘img_file_size_err’]) && $error_msg[‘img_file_size_err’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘img_file_size_err’]; } ?>
    <?php if(isset($error_msg[‘upload_img_error’]) && $error_msg[‘upload_img_error’]!=”){ echo $error_msg[‘upload_img_error’]; } ?>
    <p id=”error7″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Invalid Format! Only Format of jpeg,png,jpeg and gif files extension are allowed.
    <p id=”error8″ class=”text-danger” style=”display:none; color:#FF0000;”>
    Maximum File Size Limit is 100MB.

    <button type=”submit” id=”upload” class=”btn btn-submit” name=”id_verification_video_file_submit”>Submit</button>

    include ‘footer_account.php’; //Required on all webpages of the Account.
    ?> –>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    $(‘#id_verification_txt_file’).bind(‘change’, function() {
    if ($(‘button:submit’).attr(‘disabled’,false)){
    var ext = $(‘#id_verification_txt_file’).val().split(‘.’).pop().toLowerCase();
    if ($.inArray(ext, [‘txt’,’doc’,’pdf’,’docx’]) == -1){
    var text_file = (this.files[0].size);
    if (text_file > 100000000){
    if (a==1){

    /*—- Video files extension —*/
    $(‘#id_verification_video_file’).bind(‘change’, function() {
    if ($(‘button:submit’).attr(‘disabled’,false)){
    var ext = $(‘#id_verification_video_file’).val().split(‘.’).pop().toLowerCase();
    if ($.inArray(ext, [‘mp4′,’wav’,’ogg’,’flv’,’wmv’,’avi’]) == -1){
    var text_file = (this.files[0].size);
    if (text_file > 100000000){
    if (b==1){

    /*—- Audio Files extension —*/
    $(‘#id_verification_audio_file’).bind(‘change’, function() {
    if ($(‘button:submit’).attr(‘disabled’,false)){
    var ext = $(‘#id_verification_audio_file’).val().split(‘.’).pop().toLowerCase();
    if ($.inArray(ext, [‘mp3′,’wav’]) == -1){
    var audio_file = (this.files[0].size);
    if (audio_file > 100000000){
    if (c==1){

    /*— Image files extension are allowed —*/
    $(‘#id_verification_img_file’).bind(‘change’, function() {
    if ($(‘button:submit’).attr(‘disabled’,false)){
    var ext = $(‘#id_verification_img_file’).val().split(‘.’).pop().toLowerCase();
    if ($.inArray(ext, [‘jpg’,’png’,’gif’,’jpeg’]) == -1){
    var img_file = (this.files[0].size);
    if (img_file > 100000000){
    if (d==1){

    to post a comment

    4 Comments(s)

    Copy linkTweet thisAlerts:
    @ginerjmMay 25.2019 — Once again - hundreds of lines of code which you can't be bothered to figure out before posting. Find the area that you think is giving you a problem and post JUST THAT!!!
    Copy linkTweet thisAlerts:
    @SempervivumMay 25.2019 — I agree with ginerjm, too much code to read an analyse. However I suspect that you implemented some custom checking procedure for the file size and didn't consider PHP's limitation. Read this:

    Copy linkTweet thisAlerts:
    @site-developerauthorMay 25.2019 — Thanks Sempervivum!
    Copy linkTweet thisAlerts:
    @site-developerauthorMay 25.2019 — Folks,

    Does my File Upload script seem secure enough to accept File Uploads from users ? Is the pathinfo() good enough like the finfo-file() ?


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