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Cannot use object of type stdClass as array

I recently moved my site onto a new server that runs PHP 5.0.3 and one of my scripts is now returning an error:

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/scion/public_html/dealers/add_review.php on line 736

Error Location:

Now I have been trying to research this error using Google, but it just seems to pull up pages that are having the same error, or forums that have mentioned this but their solution was to either switch back to the old version of PHP or to install new software. Those are not options here.

I tried to research classes and then trawled through the file looking for bad code, but now I am just more confused:

So, can someone point me in a direction to look — or offer to fix the code. ? I’ll pay ya $50. ?


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18 Comments(s)

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@NogDogJan 21.2005 — Stab in the dark: [url=http://us4.php.net/manual/en/ini.sect.language-options.php#ini.zend.ze1-compatibility-mode]set zend.ze1_compatibility_mode ON[/url]. You could try putting a [FONT=courier new][B]init_set("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode","1");[/B][/FONT] at the start of your script and see if that helps.
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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — That looked SO good, but didn't work. By the way, I had to lookup the function because it didn't work at first. The function is actually [B]ini_set()[/B] -- but it was a great idea.

Hmmm.... hopefully there is someone that knows!
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@NogDogJan 21.2005 — Can you upload the PHP file here as a textfile upload, or cut-and-paste the offending line 736 along with maybe 10-20 lines before it?
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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Sure. I don't think that the offending line is actually the culprit. The offending line is the first line of this batch:

// error found - display the error message here
if ( $result[error_msg] != "")
echo "<br>" . $result[error_msg] . "<br>n";
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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Part 1 of file (maximum posts 10,000 chars)


require ( "config.php" );
require ( "common.php" );
require ( "includes/inc_reviews.php" );
require ( "includes/validate_form.php" );
require ( "includes/interface.php" );
require ( "includes/functions.php" );
require ( "global_config.php");
require ( "language.php");

////////////////////////////////// Start of functions /////////////////////////

function check_review ( &$review_title, &$review_text, &$reviewer_name, $reviewer_email, $agree )

global $error_message, $db, $item, $item_type, $item_id, $type;
global $CONFIG_VAR, $_SERVER, $_SESSION, $lang;

$item = ucwords ( $item );

// Define censored word matches
if ( empty($orig_word) && empty($replacement_word) )
$orig_word = array();
$replacement_word = array();

obtain_word_list( $orig_word, $replacement_word );

// Check the review title field - can be left blank, defaults to item type as text
if ( $review_title != "" )
$result = check_field ( $review_title, $lang['add_review_error_1'], 1, 60 );
if ( $result[error] == true )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => $result[error_msg] );
$review_title = ucwords ( $item );
$review_title = trim ( $review_title );

// Check the review text field
$result = check_field ( $review_text, $lang['add_review_error_2'], 1, 3000 );
if ( $result[error] == true )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => $result[error_msg] );

$review_text = trim ( $review_text );

// check the name and email fields only if email authentication is required
switch ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] )
case "phpbb":

case "none":

case "email":
if ( $type != "edit" )
// Don't allow " in reviewer name.
if ( strstr( $reviewer_name, '"' ) )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => create_error_message ( $lang['add_review_error_3'] ));

// Check the reviewer name field
$result = check_field ( $reviewer_name, $lang['add_review_error_4'], 1, 50 );
if ( $result[error] == true )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => $result[error_msg] );
$reviewer_name = trim ( strip_tags ( $reviewer_name ) );

// Check the email field
$email = strtolower ( $reviewer_email );
$result = validate_email ( $email );
if ( $result == false )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => create_error_message ( $lang['add_review_error_5'] ) );

// Check that this user is not banned
$result = check_banned ( $email );
if ( $result[error] == true )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => $result[error_msg] );

if ( $type == "add" )
// do not check for duplicate entries if the administrator is logged in or multiple reviews override has been set in the admin CP

$allow_multiple_reviews = $CONFIG_VAR['multiple_reviews'];

if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] == true )
$allow_multiple_reviews = "yes";

if ( $allow_multiple_reviews != "yes" )
if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] != "none" )
// ensure that the user has not posted a review for this supplier already, testing email address
$query = "SELECT review_id FROM dealers_reviews WHERE item_id=$item_id AND reviewer_email='$reviewer_email'";
$result = $db->get_results( $query );
if ( $db->num_rows > 0 )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => create_error_message ( $lang['add_review_error_6'] . $item ) );

// ensure that the user has not posted a review for this supplier already, testing IP address
$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$query = "SELECT review_id FROM dealers_reviews WHERE item_id=$item_id AND ip_address='$ip_address'";
$result = $db->get_var( $query );
if ( $db->num_rows > 0 )
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => create_error_message ( $lang['add_review_error_6'] . $item ) );

// bleep out any swear words
if ( count ( $orig_word ) )
$review_title = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $review_title );
$review_text = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $review_text );

// check that the terms have been accepted, if the admin has chosen the terms to be displayed
if ( $CONFIG_VAR['register_show_terms'] == "yes" )
switch ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] )
case "phpbb":
if ( $agree != "yes" )
$error_message = create_error_message ( $lang['add_review_error_7'] );
return array('error' => true, 'error_msg' => $error_message );

return array('error' => false, 'error_msg' => "" );

function review_rating_algorithm ( $score_1, $score_2, $score_3, $score_4, $score_5, $score_6, $score_7, $score_8 )
// find the average of the criteria scores
$average = 0;
$number = 0;
$total = 0;
for ( $counter=1; $counter<=8; $counter++ )
$var= "score_" . $counter;
if ( is_numeric ( $$var ) )
$total = $total + $$var;

if ( $total != 0 )
$average = $total/$number ;
$average = ( integer ) $average;

return $average;

function edit_access_error()
global $CONFIG_VAR, $page, $lang;

include_template ( $CONFIG_VAR['page_header_template'] );

// This creates the start of the main body table
echo "<!-- Start of main body table -->nn";

echo "<table width="" . $CONFIG_VAR['body_width_value'] . "" align="center" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">n";
echo "<tr>n";

// This creates the lefthand menu column
include_template ( $CONFIG_VAR['left_column_template'] );

// This creates the middle table
echo "<!-- Start of middle column -->nn";
echo "<td valign="top">n";
breadcrumbs( "error" );

print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_1'], $lang['add_review_message_2'] );

function print_hidden_field ( $name, $value )
echo "<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$value">n";

function clean_key($key) {

if ($key == "")
return "";
$key = preg_replace( "/../" , "" , $key );
$key = preg_replace( "/__(.+?)__/" , "" , $key );
$key = preg_replace( "/^([w.-_]+)$/", "$1", $key );
return $key;

function text_display( $bgcolour, $column1_width, $column2_width, $text, $value )
echo "<tr bgcolor="$bgcolour">n";
echo "<td width="$column1_width" class="tbody" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">" . $text . "</td>n";
echo "<td width="$column2_width" class="tbody">$value</td>n";
echo "</tr>n";

////////////////////////////////// End of functions /////////////////////////
header("Cache-control: private"); // IE 6 Fix.

$mode = $_GET['mode'];
$cat_id = $_GET['cat_id'];
$sub_cat_id = $_GET['sub_cat_id'];
$item_id = $_GET['item_id'];
$review_id = $_GET['review_id'];
$type = $_GET['type'];
$offset = $_GET['offset'];

$page = "add_review";

// Check for authentication, but not if the adminsitrator is logged in
if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] != "true" )
check_authentication ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] );

require ( "includes/mysql.php" );
global $db;

if ( $mode == "" )
$type = "add";

if ( $mode == "edit" )
$type = "edit";
$page = "edit_review";
switch ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] )
case "reviewcast":
$username = $_COOKIE[ 'username'];

case "invision":
$result = invision_member_details();
if ( $result['error'] == false ) // no errors found
$username = $result['name'];

case "phpbb":
$username = $_SESSION['phpbb_username'];
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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Part 2 of file (maximum posts 10,000 chars)

if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] == "true" )
$query = "SELECT * FROM dealers_reviews WHERE review_id = '$review_id'";
if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "phpbb" || $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "email" )
$query = "SELECT * FROM dealers_reviews WHERE review_id = '$review_id' AND reviewer_name='$username'";
if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "email" )
$email = $_POST['email'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM dealers_reviews WHERE review_id = '$review_id' AND reviewer_email='$email'";

$result=$db->get_row ( $query );
if ( $db->num_rows == 0 )
$review_title = $result->review_title;
$review_text = $result->review_text;
$score_1 = $result->score_1;
$score_2 = $result->score_2;
$score_3 = $result->score_3;
$score_4 = $result->score_4;
$score_5 = $result->score_5;
$score_6 = $result->score_6;
$score_7 = $result->score_7;
$score_8 = $result->score_8;
$recommend = $result->recommend;
$display_name = $result->display_name;
if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "email" )
$reviewer_name = $result->reviewer_name;
$reviewer_email = $result ->reviewer_email;

include "../guts/_hdr_dealers.php";

echo "
<table width=800 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF height=400>
<td width=10>&nbsp</td>
<td valign=top>

// Find the category and sub category names
$query = "SELECT dealers_categories.category,
FROM dealers_categories
INNER JOIN dealers_sub_categories ON dealers_categories.cat_id = dealers_sub_categories.cat_id
WHERE dealers_sub_categories.cat_id='$cat_id' AND dealers_sub_categories.sub_cat_id='$sub_cat_id'";
$result = $db->get_row ( $query );
$category = $result->category;
$sub_category = $result->sub_category;

if ( $db->num_rows == 0 )
// This creates the breadcrumb trail
breadcrumbs( "error" );

print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_3'], $lang['add_review_message_'] );

// Find the item details
$query = "SELECT item FROM dealers_items WHERE item_id='$item_id'";
$item = $db->get_var ( $query );
if ( $db->num_rows == 0 )
breadcrumbs( "error" );
print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_5'], $lang['add_review_message_6'] );

if ( $mode == "delete" )
$page = "delete_review";

// This creates the breadcrumb trail
breadcrumbs( $page );

// find the scoring names for this category

$array_score_names = find_score_names ( $cat_id );
$score_1_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_1_name' ];
$score_2_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_2_name' ];
$score_3_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_3_name' ];
$score_4_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_4_name' ];

$score_5_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_5_name' ];
$score_6_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_6_name' ];
$score_7_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_7_name' ];
$score_8_name = $array_score_names[ 'score_8_name' ];

//Change the authentication variable to none if the administrator is logged in

if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] == "true" )
$CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] = "none";

switch ( $mode )
case "delete":
// check that this review exists
$query = "SELECT review_id FROM dealers_reviews WHERE review_id='$review_id'";
$result = $db->get_var ( $query );
if ( $db->num_rows == 0 )
print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_5'], $lang['add_review_message_7'] );

// delete the review from the reviews table
$query = "DELETE FROM dealers_reviews WHERE review_id='$review_id'";
$db->query ( $query);

print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_8'], $lang['add_review_message_9'] );

case "confirm":
$review_title = $_POST['review_title'];
$review_text = $_POST['review_text'];
$score_1 = $_POST['score_1'];
$score_2 = $_POST['score_2'];
$score_3 = $_POST['score_3'];
$score_4 = $_POST['score_4'];
$score_5 = $_POST['score_5'];
$score_6 = $_POST['score_6'];
$score_7 = $_POST['score_7'];
$score_8 = $_POST['score_8'];
$recommend = $_POST['recommend'];
$display_name = $_POST['display_name'];
$reviewer_name = $_POST['reviewer_name'];
$reviewer_email = $_POST['reviewer_email'];
$agree = $_POST['agree'];

switch ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] )
case "phpbb":
$active = "yes";

case "none":
$active = "yes";

case "email":
$active = "no";

$result = check_review ( $review_title, $review_text, $reviewer_name, $reviewer_email, $agree );
if ( $result[error] == false )
$date_added = date( "j F Y" );

$review_score = review_rating_algorithm ( $score_1, $score_2, $score_3, $score_4, $score_5, $score_6, $score_7, $score_8 );

print_review( "preview", $cat_id, $item_id, $review_title, $review_text, $score_1, $score_2, $score_3, $score_4, $score_5, $score_6, $score_7, $score_8, $review_score, $recommend, $reviewer_name, $date_added, $display_name, 0, $reviewer_email );

// echo the confirmation form
echo "<br>n";
echo "<form name="form1" action="add_review.php?mode=post&item_id=" . $item_id . "&cat_id=" . $cat_id . "&sub_cat_id=" . $sub_cat_id . "&type=" . $type . "" method="post">n";
echo "<table width="90%" border="0" align="center" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">n";
echo "<tr>n";
echo "<td colspan="3" class="dealersreviewtext" align="center">" . $lang['add_review_message_10'] . "</td>n";
echo "</tr>n";
echo "<tr>n";
echo "<td colspan="3"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td>n";
echo "</tr>n";

if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "email" && $type != "edit" )
echo "<tr>n";
echo "<td colspan="3" align="center" class="dealersreviewtext"><b>" . $lang['add_review_message_11'] . "</td>n";
echo "</tr>n";

echo "<tr>n";
echo "<td colspan="3"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td>n";
echo "</tr>n";
echo "<tr>n";
echo "<td>n";
echo "<div align="right">n";
echo "<input type="button" name="Submit2" value="" . $lang['add_review_form_button_1'] . "" onclick="javascript:history.back()">n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "</td>n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>n";
echo "<td>n";
echo "<div align="left">n";
echo "<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="" . $lang['add_review_form_button_2'] . "">n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "</td>n";
echo "<tr>n";
echo "<td colspan="3">n";

print_hidden_field ( "review_title", strip_slashes ( $review_title ) );
print_hidden_field ( "review_text", strip_slashes ( $review_text ) );
print_hidden_field ( "score_1", $score_1 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_2", $score_2 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_3", $score_3 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_4", $score_4 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_5", $score_5 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_6", $score_6 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_7", $score_7 );
print_hidden_field ( "score_8", $score_8 );
print_hidden_field ( "review_score", $review_score );
print_hidden_field ( "recommend", $recommend );
print_hidden_field ( "reviewer_name", $reviewer_name );
print_hidden_field ( "reviewer_email", $reviewer_email );
print_hidden_field ( "display_name", $display_name );
print_hidden_field ( "active", $active );
print_hidden_field ( "type", $type );
print_hidden_field ( "review_id", $review_id );

echo "</td>n";
echo "</tr>n";
echo "<tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;<td><tr>n";
echo "</table>n";
echo "</form>n";

//This creates the main menu along the bottom of the main column
//bottom_menu( "no" );

echo "
<td width=16 background="../guts/rbuffer_yw.gif">&nbsp;</td>
<table width=800 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 background="../guts/bbuffer_yw.gif" height=3>

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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Part 3 of file (maximum posts 10,000 chars)

include "../guts/_ftr.php";

$review_title = strip_slashes ( $review_title );
$review_text = strip_slashes ( $review_text );

case "post":
$review_title = $_POST['review_title'];
$review_text = $_POST['review_text'];
$score_1 = $_POST['score_1'];
$score_2 = $_POST['score_2'];
$score_3 = $_POST['score_3'];
$score_4 = $_POST['score_4'];
$score_5 = $_POST['score_5'];
$score_6 = $_POST['score_6'];
$score_7 = $_POST['score_7'];
$score_8 = $_POST['score_8'];
$review_score = $_POST['review_score'];
$recommend = $_POST['recommend'];
$reviewer_name = $_POST['reviewer_name'];
$reviewer_email = $_POST['reviewer_email'];
$display_name = $_POST['display_name'];
$active = $_POST['active'];
$type = $_POST['type'];
$review_id = $_POST['review_id'];

$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

$review_title = add_slashes ( $review_title ) ;
$review_text = add_slashes ( $review_text ) ;
$reviewer_email = strtolower ( $reviewer_email );

$review_score = review_rating_algorithm ( $score_1, $score_2, $score_3, $score_4, $score_5, $score_6, $score_7, $score_8 );

if ( $type == "edit" )
$query = "UPDATE dealers_reviews SET
review_title = '$review_title',
review_text = '$review_text',
score_1 = '$score_1',
score_2 = '$score_2',
score_3 = '$score_3',
score_4 = '$score_4',
score_5 = '$score_5',
score_6 = '$score_6',
score_7 = '$score_7',
score_8 = '$score_8',
review_score = '$review_score',
recommend = '$recommend',
ip_address = '$ip_address',
display_name = '$display_name'
WHERE review_id ='$review_id'";

$db->query ( $query );
print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_12'], $lang['add_review_message_13'] );

// Check again that they are not posting a review twice, but not if logged in as administrator
if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] != "true" )
$query = "SELECT review_id
FROM dealers_reviews
WHERE item_id='$item_id'
AND reviewer_email='$reviewer_email'";

if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "none" )
$query = "SELECT review_id
FROM dealers_reviews
WHERE item_id='$item_id'
AND ip_address='$ip_address'";

$result = $db->get_results ( $query );
if ( $db->num_rows > 0 )
print_message ( $lang['add_review_message_5'], $lang['add_review_message_14'] );

// post the review into the database
$date_added = date( "j F Y" );
$timestamp = time();

$query = "INSERT INTO dealers_reviews ( item_id,

VALUES ( '$item_id',
'$timestamp' )";

$db->query( $query );
$review_id = $db->insert_id;

// create the hash for review_id
$hash_review_id = md5 ( $review_id );

//set the active field to "no" if all reviews are to be approved

if ( $CONFIG_VAR['approve_reviews'] == "yes" )
$active = "no";
$CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] = "approve";

// update the review record with this hash
$query = "UPDATE dealers_reviews SET hash_review_id=" . "'" . $hash_review_id . "', active='$active' WHERE review_id=" . "'" . $review_id . "'";
$db->query( $query );

if ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "invision" || $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] == "phpbb" )
$CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] = "reviewcast";
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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Part 4 of file (maximum posts 10,000 chars)


switch ( $CONFIG_VAR['authentication'] )
case "approve":
$message_1 = $lang['add_review_message_15'];
$message_2 = $lang['add_review_message_17'];

case "none":
$message_1 = $lang['add_review_message_15'];
$message_2 = $lang['add_review_message_16'];

case "email":
$message_1 = $lang['add_review_message_15'];
$message_2 = $lang['add_review_message_18'];

// send email to the reviewer for confirmation

$mail_subject = $lang['add_review_mail_subject'];

$mail_body .= $lang['add_review_message_19'] . "nn";
$mail_body .= $CONFIG_VAR['reviewcast_url'] . "/confirm_review.php?id=".$hash_review_id . "nn";
$mail_body .= $lang['add_review_message_20'] . "nn";
$mail_body .= $lang['add_review_message_21'] . "nn";
$mail_body .= $lang['add_review_mail_regards'];
$mail_header = "From: " . $CONFIG_VAR['webmaster_email'] . "rn";

mail ( $reviewer_email, $mail_subject, $mail_body , $mail_header );
// display the thank you page
print_message ( $message_1, $message_2 );

// error found - display the error message here
if ( $result[error_msg] != "")
echo "<br>" . $result[error_msg] . "<br>n";

$bgcolour = "#" . $CONFIG_VAR['list_cell_colour'];
$column1_width = "30%";
$column2_width = "70%";
$field_width = "35";
$button_text = $lang['add_review_form_button'];

// This creates the included review guideline, if any
include ( "templates/dealers_review_guidelines.html" );

echo "<form method="post" action="add_review.php?mode=confirm&item_id=" . $item_id . "&cat_id=" . $cat_id . "&sub_cat_id=" . $sub_cat_id . "&type=" . $type . "&review_id=" . $review_id . "">n";
echo "<table width="90%" height="70" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#" . $CONFIG_VAR['list_line_colour'] . "" align="center">n";

form_header_line ( "<b>" . $lang['add_review_form_header_1'] . ucwords ( $item ) . "</b>" );

$tab_count = 1;

// Who is writing this review? Either we know or we need to know!

$result = phpbb_member_details();
if ( $result['error'] == false ) {
$phpbb_name = $result['name'];
$phpbb_id = $result['phpbb_id'];
$phpbb_posts = $result['phpbb_posts'];
$reviewer_name = "$phpbb_name ($phpbb_posts)";
$reviewer_email = $phpbb_id;
$active = "yes";

if ($reviewer_name) {
echo "
<td width=30% class=tbody valign=top bgcolor=#EEEEEE>
<b>You are logged in as: </b>
<td width=70% class=tbody bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
<a href="http://www.scionlife.com/forums/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=$reviewer_email" target=_blank>$reviewer_name</a>
<input type=hidden name=reviewer_name value="$reviewer_name">
<input type=hidden name=reviewer_email value="$reviewer_email">
else {
$tab_count ++;
// This creates the reviewer_name field
$text = "<b>" . $lang['add_review_form_name'] . "</b>";
text_input( $bgcolour, "text", $column1_width, $column2_width, $text, "reviewer_name", $reviewer_name, $field_width, "n", $tab_count );

$tab_count ++;
// This creates the reviewer_email field
$email_text = $lang['add_review_form_email_text'];
$text = "<b>" . $lang['add_review_form_email'] . "</b><br><span class="tbodysmall">" . $email_text . "</span>";
text_input( $bgcolour, "text", $column1_width, $column2_width, $text, "reviewer_email", $reviewer_email, $field_width, "e", $tab_count );

// This creates the review title field
echo "<input type=hidden name=review_title value=''>";

// This creates the review text box
$text = $lang['add_review_form_review_text'];
echo "<tr bgcolor="$bgcolour">n";
echo "<td width="$column1_width" class="tbody" valign="top" bgcolor="#" . $CONFIG_VAR['list_background_colour'] . "">$text</td>n";
echo "<td width="$column2_width" class="tbody">n";
echo "<textarea name="review_text" cols="35" rows="10" wrap="soft" class="formelement" accesskey="t" tabindex="" . $tab_count . "">" . $review_text . "</textarea>n";
echo "</td>n";
echo "</tr>n";

form_header_line ( "<b>" . $lang['add_review_form_header_2'] . "</b> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <font color=red><b>Ratings that contain all "10's" will be deleted unless they are qualified by your review text. Rate accurately! </b></font>" );

// find the scoring names for this category

$array_score_names = find_score_names ( $cat_id );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_1_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_1", $array_score_names[ 'score_1_name' ], $score_1, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_2_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_2", $array_score_names[ 'score_2_name' ], $score_2, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_3_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_3", $array_score_names[ 'score_3_name' ], $score_3, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_4_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_4", $array_score_names[ 'score_4_name' ], $score_4, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_5_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_5", $array_score_names[ 'score_5_name' ], $score_5, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_6_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_6", $array_score_names[ 'score_6_name' ], $score_6, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_7_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_7", $array_score_names[ 'score_7_name' ], $score_7, $tab_count );

if ( $array_score_names[ 'score_8_name' ] != "" )
create_scores_list ( "score_8", $array_score_names[ 'score_8_name' ], $score_8, $tab_count );

// This creates the recommend drop down list
form_radio_boxes ( "<b>" . $lang['add_review_form_recommend'] . """ . ucwords ( $item ) . "" :</b>", "recommend", $recommend, $tab_count );
$tab_count++; // increment this as checkboxes take two tab index values (one for yes, one for no)

// We will NEVER show the terms in this customized version of this script
$CONFIG_VAR['register_show_terms'] = "no";

form_submit_button ( $button_text, $tab_count );

echo "</table>n";
echo "</form>n";

//This creates the main menu along the bottom of the main column
//bottom_menu( "no" );

echo "
<td width=16 background="../guts/rbuffer_yw.gif">&nbsp;</td>
<table width=800 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 background="../guts/bbuffer_yw.gif" height=3>

include "../guts/_ftr.php";

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@NogDogJan 21.2005 — My "stab in the twilight" now is the lack of quotes around the array index:
# should be:

Take a look at http://us4.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php and scroll down to "Array do's and don'ts".
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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Yeah, that was the first thing I tried... but it had no effect. Maybe I will have to go though the entire script changing [variable] to ['variable'] to see if that works. (sigh) I have a feeling it is something more than that, but I will give it a shot.

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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 21.2005 — Yeah, gave it a shot and it didn't help. There were only two variable names throughout the script lacking quotes: 'error' and 'error_msg'. Fixed them and still getting the error message.

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@MeltedMonitorauthorJan 25.2005 — bump -- $50 to whoever suggest a successful solution.
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@MarmeladovMay 19.2005 — This is probably way too late, but i would suggest you try

[COLOR=Red]$results->error_msg[/COLOR] instead of $results['error_msg']. As stated, a late stab in the dark, but if you still haven't solved this, it could be worth a try.
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@EstoEsUnMameyMay 28.2006 — I had the same problem, here's the solution.

If dump my array this is what i get:

[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 62
[name] => Administrator

[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 63
[name] => Pablo Viquez


If I do:

echo $objRsUsr[0]['id'];

Generates the error: [B]"Cannot use object of type stdClass as array"[/B]

This because an stdClass is not an array but an object. To access those values you can do it like this:

// Direct
echo $objRsUsrP[0]->name;
// prints Administrator

// Or iterate
for($intI = 0; $int < count($objRsUsr); $intI++){
echo $objRsUsrP[$intI]->name . "n";
// Prints:
Pablo Viquez

Hope it answered your question ? ?
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@MeltedMonitorauthorMay 28.2006 — Wow, that was from forever ago. ? Its been almost a year and a half!

Well, I ended up dumping the whole script and writing something from scratch. Thank you guys for your help, hopefully this will help someone else in the future!
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@DLBakerJul 20.2009 — Your data class can be set by placing the brackets at your database query. Observe the brackets immediately following $data as the first line of the while statement:

This produces:

Cannot use object of type stdClass as array

while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {

$output .= $data[$count]->name ." - " . $data[$count]->description."<br>";

$output .= $data[]->name ." - " . $data[1]->description."<br>";

This one does not:

while ($data[] = db_fetch_object($result)) {

$output .= $data[$count]->name ." - " . $data[$count]->description."<br>";

This solve your problem? ?

  • - Dan.
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    @stukerrOct 15.2010 — Found this page which fixed the issue for me!

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    @rahim701Apr 13.2011 — great.

    I was facing problem with wordpress database.

    solution is here.

    so, this is only to say thanks.


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