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I’m valid, but layout partially disappears in NN

Okay, according to the W3C Validator, I am valid HTML 4.01 Transitional for [URL=http://www.24brownst.com/testing/index.htm]this layout[/URL]. I work in IE and the newest version of Firefox. In Netscape Navigator, the top of the page works, but the bottom graphic/bar disappears. What am I overlooking?

Also, any ideas how to make the text actually fit the way it does in IE???

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@gil_davisJul 28.2004 — You have HTML comment tags in your STYLE tag that do not enclose all the styles. That may confuse Netscape.

If by NN you mean 4.x, that version does not look kindly on images being positioned absolute. You would be better off positioning the DIV container, and defining the CSS (using the ID) in the STYLE section rather than in the tag.
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@stargal98authorJul 28.2004 — Thanks, Gil for letting me know about the comments. I am looking at Navigator 7, and I know that the client isn't too keen on NN anyway, but I'm trying to appeal to a variety of browsers. Mozilla and Firefox seem to do okay with it, which I like, except for the text thing.. (I did get the bottom box fixed, at least on NN7)

Anyway, thanks for the reply. At least it'll give me a direction.


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