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Simplified If Statement

I’ve got a form where I’m doing something based on if two fields were filled out. I’ll refer to these fields as FieldA and FieldB.

What I’m need to do is run a code if both are filled out, another if FieldA is filled only and a third if FieldB is fillled out. If neither are filled out do nothing.

I’m thinking of the following.

I’ve not tested this, but is the best way to do it?

if (!empty($_POST[‘FieldA’]) && !empty($_POST[‘FieldB’])){
// Both Filled Out
} elseif (!empty($_POST[‘FieldA’]) && empty($_POST[‘FieldB’])){
/// Only Field A Filled Out
} elseif (empty($_POST[‘FieldA’]) && !empty($_POST[‘FieldB’])){
// Only Field B filled out

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@sibertNov 01.2021 — I have no knowledge of PHP, but basically all language have a switch function, which normally is cleaner and more readable than many nested if > else. Regardless of language.

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@ginerjmNov 01.2021 — Looks good to me - and I do write in PHP
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@NogDogNov 01.2021 — switch gets a bit ungainly in this situation, as we're not just creating cases based on a single value, so it might be best to stick with what you have (very subjective, though). I suppose you could do something like this, but not sure it's an improvement maintenance-wise?
switch(post_a_or_b('FieldA', 'FieldB')) {
case 'both':
// do stuff with both
case 'a':
// do stuff with a;
case 'b':
// do stuff with b;
case 'neither':
// nothing to do?
// throw Exception???

function post_a_or_b($a, $b) {
$cases = ['neither', 'b', 'a', 'both'];
return($cases[2 * !empty($_POST[$a]) + !empty($_POST[$b])]);

PS: Untested!
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@ginerjmNov 01.2021 — Stick with the If that you posted. The post by NogDog is difficult to understand for me and I do write PHP.

Yes - an ifelse stucture that goes on and on can be a problem and perhaps hard to follow but in your case it is fairly short and sweet and clear.
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@SempervivumNov 01.2021 — My contribution :) :
</i>$filledA = !empty($_POST['FieldA']);
$filledB = !empty($_POST['FieldB']);
switch (true) {
case $filledA &amp;&amp; $filledB:
echo 'both';
case $filledA &amp;&amp; !$filledB:
echo 'A only';
case !$filledA &amp;&amp; $filledB:
echo 'B only';
case !$filledA &amp;&amp; !$filledB:
echo 'none';
It works, however I do not recommend to use it as it's tricky coding and breaks the semantics of <C>
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@NogDogNov 01.2021 — And there's always the possibility (by no means a sure thing) that it's a "code smell" that might be avoided by thinking about why you're doing this, and if there's a better way than 3 different operations depending on which combination of things is set. It may, in fact, be the "best" way; but not knowing what's actually going on in detail, I can't be positive. :)


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