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Nested loops ? anyone

Hi all
This is my first post to the list.
I am an absolute beginner with Javascript and would appreciate some help with this loop/s
I now nothing about javascript syntax can’t get it to work.
I have a form with 7 questions, each question have to be checked Yes or No (input type =radio). If the user checks Yes, I have to know if s/he checks any other control for that question (3 checkboxes + 1 textbox)
for Each question the controlnames is QAnswer1_1 (radio Yes/No), QAnswer1_2 to QAnswer1_4 (checkboxes) and QAnswer1_5 (text)
So controls for Question no 7 is named QAnswer7_1 (radio Yes/No), and so on.

So if someone can show me how to combine the counters with “pre”/”remaining” text for the controls like in the Pseudocode, you’ll save the rest of the week for me (at least).

I just can’t get to grip with this.
‘Pseudocode **********************
if QAnswer[n]’
1 = “Yes then…
QAnswer[n]’_'[j] ‘Are there any Checkboxes checked?

for (var n=0;n<7;n++) { //this runs 7 times
for(var i=0;i<_frm.QAnswer1_1.length;i++) //
_fd += “Ja/Nej: ” + _frm.QAnswer1_1[i].value + _n;
for(var i=0;i<_frm.QAnswer1_2.length;i++)
_fd += “How Many: ” + _frm.num[i].value + _n;

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@ConRoyauthorJun 29.2004 — No takers this far, so let's redefine my Question.

How do I replace the numbers in "_frm.QAnswer1_1.value" with

countervalues like

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@KorJun 29.2004 — Try this example (it is dinamically coded so you may insert as many groups as you want, 7 in your case - I use 3 here to shorten the replay:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
function verif(f){//sets the number of groups according to the nr of radio elements
for(var i=0;i<f.elements.length;i++){
nr=r/2//nr of groups
for(var j=1;j<nr+1;j++){//starts from 1, as your elements' names start indenting from 1!!
alert('You have not checked at least one checkbox on Question nr.'+j);
return false;
alert('You have not complete the textfield on Question nr.'+j);
return false;

<form onsubmit="return verif(this)">
<!-- group 1 -->
<input name="QAnswer1_1" type="radio" value="Yes">Yes<br>
<input name="QAnswer1_1" type="radio" value="No">No
<input name="QAnswer1_2" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer1_3" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer1_4" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer1_5" type="text"><br>
<!-- group 2 -->
<input name="QAnswer2_1" type="radio" value="Yes">Yes<br>
<input name="QAnswer2_1" type="radio" value="No">No
<input name="QAnswer2_2" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer2_3" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer2_4" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer2_5" type="text"><br>
<!-- group 2 -->
<input name="QAnswer3_1" type="radio" value="Yes">Yes<br>
<input name="QAnswer3_1" type="radio" value="No">No
<input name="QAnswer3_2" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer3_3" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer3_4" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer3_5" type="text"><br>
<input name="submit" type="submit">
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@ConRoyauthorJun 29.2004 — YIPPEEEE !!!! ?

Fantastic! All beers to you ?

With a minimum of tweaking I've got it working. (lucky for me since I only do V?

Don't know if I dare to ask a another question, (two really).

I've inserted your's and another function in another jscript like this.
// how do I prevent the form to upload data here ?

It loops through all controls just fine, but for the last confirmbox I always get "undefined" for verif(f).

For "confirm(previewForm(f));" I always get a box saying "true".

Is there a simple way so I dont hve too see these two boxes ?

[i]Originally posted by Kor [/i]

[B]Try this example (it is dinamically coded so you may insert as many groups as you want, 7 in your case - I use 3 here to shorten the replay:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
function verif(f){//sets the number of groups according to the nr of radio elements
for(var i=0;i<f.elements.length;i++){
nr=r/2//nr of groups
for(var j=1;j<nr+1;j++){//starts from 1, as your elements' names start indenting from 1!!
alert('You have not checked at least one checkbox on Question nr.'+j);
return false;
alert('You have not complete the textfield on Question nr.'+j);
return false;

<form onsubmit="return verif(this)">
<!-- group 1 -->
<input name="QAnswer1_1" type="radio" value="Yes">Yes<br>
<input name="QAnswer1_1" type="radio" value="No">No
<input name="QAnswer1_2" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer1_3" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer1_4" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer1_5" type="text"><br>
<!-- group 2 -->
<input name="QAnswer2_1" type="radio" value="Yes">Yes<br>
<input name="QAnswer2_1" type="radio" value="No">No
<input name="QAnswer2_2" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer2_3" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer2_4" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer2_5" type="text"><br>
<!-- group 2 -->
<input name="QAnswer3_1" type="radio" value="Yes">Yes<br>
<input name="QAnswer3_1" type="radio" value="No">No
<input name="QAnswer3_2" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer3_3" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer3_4" type="checkbox" value="">
<input name="QAnswer3_5" type="text"><br>
<input name="submit" type="submit">
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@KorJun 30.2004 — I don't quite understand... You want to prevent the upload if conditions are not fulfiled? The [b]return[/b] condition does that. If condition is not fulfiled, [b]return false[/b] will stop the code and will stop the HTML action, [i]submit[/i] in your case...


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