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Javascript global variable and local variable

Can anyone explain the codes below better so I may learn how they work?

var g = 100;

function outer (){

var x = 99;

function inner(){

var y = 77;



Here is the description I have:

Here the code inside the inner function has access to all three variables.
The code inside outer can only access g and x, and the code outside of the
outer function can only see g.

It says the code outside of the outer function can only see g. Does it mean that the code “var g = 100” cannot see anything else except “var g = 100” ?

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@rootNov 27.2017 — You will be amazed at how often this type of question pops up on this forum, a quick search will return you more examples and answers... ?

Suggested reading on the use of [B]var[/B] in functions and in the global scope too.
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@wbportNov 27.2017 — Yes. Nothing can reference any variable defined in a function except code [B]in[/B] that function.


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