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Panorama viewer: Automatical scrolling

I found this panorama viewer:
I want to add automatical scrolling and tried this simple approach:

[CODE] $(document).ready(function () {
repeat: true
var pos = 0;
window.setInterval(function () {
//var pos = $(“.pv-inner”).css(“background-position”);
$(“.pv-inner”).css(“background-position”, pos++ + “px 0%”);
}, 10);

This doesn’t work as desired: Automatic scrolling only works when the mouse is moved. One had to integrate the automatic scrolling in the plugin but I don’t understand it’s code. Any help is appreciated. I would like to have a button for left, right and stop automatic scrolling.
Best regards – Ulrich

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@SempervivumauthorMay 23.2016 — Problem solved. I succeed in integrating the timer in the plugin without completely understanding the code:[CODE] function scroll() {
start.x += step;
$bg.css('background-position', start.x + 'px ' + start.y + 'px');
if (settings.left) {
$(settings.left).on("click", function () {
step = settings.step;
timer = window.setInterval(scroll, 100);
if (settings.right) {
$(settings.right).on("click", function () {
step = -settings.step;
timer = window.setInterval(scroll, 100);
if (settings.stop) {
$(settings.stop).on("click", function () {
if (settings.autoScroll) {
step = settings.step;
window.setInterval(scroll, 100)


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