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Javascript age script problem

I have an age script running in the attachment below. It works fine for numbers such as 1 22 1980.

[CODE]if ((input.search(/b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])b/)!= -1) && (input.search(/b([1-9]|1[0-2])b/)!=-1) && (input.search(/b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])b/)!= -1)) {
function getBirth() {
var now = new Date();
var myMatchy = input.match(/b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])b/);
var myMatchm = input.match(/b([1-9]|1[0-2])b/)
var myMatchd = input.match(/b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])b/);
var year = myMatchy[0];
var month = myMatchm[0];
var day = myMatchd[0];
var today =
“year” : now.getFullYear(),
“month”: now.getMonth()+1,
“day” : now.getDate()

var age = today[“year”] – year;

if (month > today[“month”])
else if (month == today[“month”])
if (day > today[“day”]) age–
return age;
document.result.result.value = “Your age is “+getBirth()+”.”;
return true;}[/CODE]

However, if someone writes out the month it doesn’t. Such as January 22 1980. I did a work-around by inserting the month value. Highlighted below. But that means I would have to duplicate this lengthy code 12 times for each month of the year. Anybody know a better way to handle this? You can test it in the small attachment below. Any help would be appreciated.

[CODE]if ((input.search(/b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])b/)!= -1) && (input.search(/(january)/)!= -1) && (input.search(/b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])b/)!= -1)) {
function getJan() {
var now = new Date();
var myMatchy = input.match(/b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])b/);
var myMatchd = input.match(/b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])b/);
[COLOR=”Red”]var month = 0;[/COLOR]
var year = myMatchy[0];
var day = myMatchd[0];
var today =
“year” : now.getFullYear(),
“month”: now.getMonth()+1,
“day” : now.getDate()

var age = today[“year”] – year;

if (month > today[“month”])
else if (month == today[“month”])
if (day > today[“day”]) age–
return age;
document.result.result.value = “Your age is “+getJan()+”.”;
return true;}[/CODE]

[upl-file uuid=75660092-a659-4f5a-9d32-10cf228ed5fa size=3kB]aademo.txt[/upl-file]

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7 Comments(s)

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@KorFeb 25.2011 — January is 0 in java Script Date() object
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@chriscc17authorFeb 25.2011 — Ok, thanks I corrected that part. Any ideas how to solve my problem other than duplicating the code 12 times for each month?
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@WolfShadeFeb 25.2011 — Don't give the option of free-style entry by using a text field; use a SELECT, instead, and populate it like:

01 January

02 February

03 March

.. etc.

You can assign whatever value to it that you like (0 or 1, or "January").

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@chriscc17authorFeb 25.2011 — I understand the use of a form, menu etc. This however is an attempt to parse the information through natural language. I understand all the problems associated with that. My questions is very specific to this one problem. Can I modify the script in a way to handle written words.

Something like this within the body of the script so it can calculate an answer.

var myMatchy = input.match(/b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])b/);

var myMatchd = input.match(/b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])b/);

var myMatchm = input.match(/(january|february|march)/)

[COLOR="Red"]if (myMatchm == (january) {

var month = 0; }

if (myMatchm == (february) {

var month = 1; }

if (myMatchm == (march) {

var month = 2; } [/COLOR]

var year = myMatchy[0];

var day = myMatchd[0];
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@KorFeb 25.2011 — Don't give the option of free-style entry by using a text field; use a SELECT, instead, and populate it like:

01 January

02 February

03 March

.. etc.

You can assign whatever value to it that you like (0 or 1, or "January").


Agree. Never let the user the possibility to enter something wrong. When it comes about dates, use 3 list boxes with year, month, date pre-set from server side.
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@chriscc17authorFeb 25.2011 — I guess it wasn't clear in my original post that the attachment I enclosed is a chatterbot and I apologize for that. This is an attempt to answer the question often posed to the bot about age. So the format is set. No forms, menus etc but only a single input box.

I was just looking to see if someone had a solution to this specfic issue. If not I can always have the bot reply with please re-submit the questions in a numerical format like 1 22 1980 but that's no fun. ?
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@KorFeb 27.2011 — There is no possibility to distinguish the American way (MM-DD-YYYY) from European way (DD-MM-YYYY) in many situations. You will never know whether the user's input 02-03-2011 means the 2nd of March 2011 or the 3rd of February 2011. The fact that you want to use a single input box [I]is the problem itself[/I].


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