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Layout / table issue

I’ve recently been having problems with aligning items on a wordpress theme.

I just changed everything over to tables (which makes everything align brilliantly on my page in the center) however, for some reason 2 items wont sit next to eachother within the same row – they sit one underneath the other.

Heres a link so you can see the odd alignment: [url=http://www.evolutionbusinessservices.co.uk/charlene/blog/]link[/url]

Normally with tables I have problems getting things [i]not[/i] to sit so closely and have to pad everything etc but for once when I need it, html doesnt annoyingly sit everything close too ?

I’ve added a border so the outline is more obvious (for working on the table only) and my content area is definately not too wide – and ive aligned the content and side bar to the left and right respectively and theres definately a big enough gap.

The code spans 3 php pages so I wont post it unless specfically requested.

Thanks in advance, any ideas would be appriciated (even if its so simple lol I’ve got an egg prepared ? )

EDIT: got them both centered now but still 1 on top of the other.

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@AravonaauthorFeb 05.2010 — Edit: never mind, another forum got it sorted.


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