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Reseting Radial Button Fields

I have this script in an external javascript file and I know it works mostly. The script is supposed to reset all of the fields I tell it to to a certain value. The only problem I’m having is with radial buttons. I get a field has no properties error message for these fields. My guess is that it has something to do with the [] that tell it which radial button to mark as checked. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

HTML Code:

<form id=”EstimateRequest” action=”/Pages/EstimateRequestDU.asp” method=”post” name=”EstimateRequest”>
<input type=”text” name=”txtFlatFinishedSize1″ size=”15″ maxlength=”20″ tabindex=”16″>
<input type=”radio” name=”grpCover1″ value=”Yes” tabindex=”18″> Yes
<input type=”radio” name=”grpCover1″ value=”No” tabindex=”19″> No
<input type=”radio” name=”grpCover1″ value=”NA” checked tabindex=”20″> N/A
<input type=”checkbox” name=”chkTCNA1″ value=”NA” checked tabindex=”28″> N/A
<button name=”cmdClearOne” value=”” type=”button” onclick=”ClearFields(‘EstimateRequest’, ‘txtFlatFinishedSize1,grpCover1[2],chkTCNA1’, ‘value,checked,checked’, ‘,true,true’, ‘Are you sure you want to clear all of Item One?’)”>Clear</button>

Javascript Code:

function ClearFields(strForm,strFields,strTypes,strValues,strMessage){
var ClearMessage = confirm(strMessage);
var x = document.forms[strForm];
var strFieldsArray = strFields.split(“,”);
var strTypesArray = strTypes.split(“,”);
var strValuesArray = strValues.split(“,”);
for(i in strFieldsArray){
x[strFieldsArray[i]][strTypesArray[i]] = strValuesArray[i];

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6 Comments(s)

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@KorOct 01.2007 — you need to give a Boolean value to the checked attribute, or your arguments 'true' are strings, not Booleans...

Why not passing the arguments straight as arrays, to avoid an unnecessarily split() method?:
</i>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Untitled Document&lt;/title&gt;
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&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
function ClearFields(strFieldsArray,strTypesArray,strValuesArray,strMessage){
for(var i=0;i&lt;strFieldsArray.length;i++){
strFieldsArray[i][strTypesArray[i]] = strValuesArray[i];
&lt;form id="EstimateRequest" action="/Pages/EstimateRequestDU.asp" method="post" name="EstimateRequest"&gt;
&lt;input type="text" name="txtFlatFinishedSize1" size="15" maxlength="20" tabindex="16"&gt;
&lt;input type="radio" name="grpCover1" value="Yes" tabindex="18"&gt; Yes
&lt;input type="radio" name="grpCover1" value="No" tabindex="19"&gt; No
&lt;input type="radio" name="grpCover1" value="NA" checked tabindex="20"&gt; N/A
&lt;input type="checkbox" name="chkTCNA1" value="NA" checked tabindex="28"&gt; N/A
&lt;button name="cmdClearOne" value="" type="button" onclick="ClearFields([COLOR="Red"][txtFlatFinishedSize1,grpCover1[2],chkTCNA1][/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]['value','checked','checked'][/COLOR],[COLOR="Red"]['',true,true][/COLOR], 'Are you sure you want to clear all of Item One?')"&gt;Clear&lt;/button&gt;
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@nbcrockettauthorOct 01.2007 — Why not passing the arguments straight as arrays, to avoid an unnecessarily split() method?:[/QUOTE]
Is that how you have it set up in your last post?
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@KorOct 01.2007 — Is that how you have it set up in your last post?[/QUOTE]
Obviously. I'll mark them with red color. Have a look again at my code.
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@KorOct 01.2007 — ...and you don't need to use the form element as a reference root for its elements. When calling a function on some event [I]from within a form's element[/I], the other elements of the form can be passed as arguments directly by their name, as objects.
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@nbcrockettauthorOct 01.2007 — Thanks that's really nice to know! In your example you used this code:
[CODE]for(var i=0;i<strFieldsArray.length;i++){[/CODE]
In my original post I used this:
[CODE]for(i in strFieldsArray){[/CODE]
They both seem to do the same thing. Is one better than the other or did you just use the one you're use to using?


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