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Is this positioning possible?

I’m currently building myself a website for my photography business, and I’ve already figured out my basic layout, and am using dreamweaver to make the page, since it’s not all coding, which is great for me. I’m wanting to have the top part (the flash slide show), and the part below it (the links, which will be an image) touch each other, which I’ve already achieved via two divs that are touching each other, but here’s the thing… When I view my page with my resolution, it looks great, but when I view it on a larger resolution (or go full screen in firefox), everything is still aligned up high, with a lot of space underneath it. Is there any way that I can get those two objects (the flash slideshow and the link bar, which to the viewer, looks like one object actually) to move down and stay centered from top to bottom? Thanks in advance!

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@KDLAJul 31.2007 — If you're relying on DW for this, it's probable that you're using absolute positioning, probably with layers. (Without your code, though, I can't definitely say.) If so, the positioning is dependent upon the screen resolution, and you will see a difference amongst monitors. What you need to do is use relative positioning, which will always place something relative to the window's edge, no matter what the size. Again, without your code, I really can't help you.



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