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Login Script Problwm

Hi there,
If i try to login with the script below without any username or password, it logs me in as a user that is already in the database! Cant see why it would do that though when it should just show an error… There is another page, but that is just a form with no predeffined values that will affect the form!


<? session_start();
$sql_reg=”select * from tbl_register where username='”.$username.”‘ and password='”.$password.”‘ and status=’1′”;
$fet=mysql_query($sql_reg) or die(“The Following error occired: <br>”.mysql_error());

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@NogDogNov 13.2006 — The first possibilties that come to mind:

  • 1. You haven't logged out a previous user (expired the session cookie and destroyed the session), so it's using that existing session.

  • 2. You have a row in your users table with empty values for user and password.
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    @NogDogNov 13.2006 — Upon further review, are you sure that code runs without error? "password" is a reserved word in MySQL (the password() function), so I would expect your mysql_query() call to throw an error since you have not back-quoted the password column name.


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