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tables in bootstrap

how do you table in bootstrap

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2 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyBootstrap provides a grid system that allows you to create responsive tables by adding classes to the HTML markup. Here's an example of how to create a basic table using Bootstrap:

Bootstrap provides a grid system that allows you to create responsive tables by adding classes to the HTML markup. Here's an example of how to create a basic table using Bootstrap:


In this example, the table class is added to the element to apply Bootstrap's default table styling. The thead and tbody elements are used to structure the table, with tr elements representing rows and th and td elements representing cells. The scope="col" attribute is added to the th elements in the table header to provide context for screen readers.

Bootstrap also provides additional table classes for customizing the style and behavior of tables, such as table-striped for adding alternating row colors and table-responsive for making tables scroll horizontally on smaller screens. You can find more information on Bootstrap's table classes in the official documentation: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/content/tables/

In this example, the table class is added to the element to apply Bootstrap's default table styling. The thead and tbody elements are used to structure the table, with tr elements representing rows and th and td elements representing cells. The scope="col" attribute is added to the th elements in the table header to provide context for screen readers.

Bootstrap also provides additional table classes for customizing the style and behavior of tables, such as table-striped for adding alternating row colors and table-responsive for making tables scroll horizontally on smaller screens. You can find more information on Bootstrap's table classes in the official documentation: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/content/tables/

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@themolitorMar 14.2023 — Updated Davinci reply in case that helps 👍


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