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Need urgently a website developed

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5 Replies

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@themolitorJun 15.2024(updated) — To assist you effectively and deliver a website that meets your needs, you should provide more details on the following:

1. Purpose: What is the primary purpose of the website? (e.g., e-commerce, informational, portfolio, etc.)
2. Scope: How many pages or sections do you anticipate needing?
3. Design: Do you have any design preferences or examples of websites you like?
4. Functionality: Are there specific features or functionalities you require? (e.g., contact forms, user registration, payment gateways, etc.)
5. Timeline: What is your deadline for the project completion?
6. Budget: Do you have a budget range in mind?

Once you provide this information, devs can provide a more accurate quote and timeline.

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@djquimosoJun 18.2024(updated) — I can develop a website for you.
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@wangtiger317Jun 20.2024 — I can develop website. can you share more details?
Also how can we discuss more?
what tools do you have for communication?
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@ghmnfSep 20.2024 — Here are some options you could try, or reach out if you need something built custom for you without you having to do anything.

- Elementor Page Builder: https://thecomissionnetwork.com/elementor

- SiteGPT: https://www.sitesgpt.com/

- Stunning.so: https://stunning.so/
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@UniEK23Nov 23.2024 — No problem, I can help with that. Just provide the following info for a more accurate quote:

1. Purpose: What kind of website you want, what you want it to do for you. Is it a shopping website, blog, company website, etc?

2. Functionality: Are there any specific features you require? (e.g., contact forms, registration forms, payment gateways, etc.)

3. Design: Do you have any design preferences or examples of websites you like?

4. Deadline: When do you need it done by?

5. Budget: How much are you looking to spend? What's your budget range?


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