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How to extend the WordPress Search to Taxonomies?

By default, WordPress Search is somewhat limited and seems to pull results based on Title/Content only. If I write a Post and Tag it “JavaScript” but don’t mention that specific keyword in the Title/Content, searching the site for JavaScript won’t show this Post in the search results despite the Tag.

What would be a minimal function to extend WP search to Tags, Categories, and Custom Taxonomies? Ideally, this could be done without the use of a plugin like WP Extended Search.

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@joshuaburlesoOct 24.2022 — There are a few ways to go about this in WP. In terms of ease and extensibility, you should be able to use, and go with, the pre_get_posts hook. How you implement custom taxonomies is going to depend on how you created them. If you used a plug-in then sometimes these have some funky naming conventions (or even on rare occasion have a tricky way of finding them), just check the docs for the plugin if that's the case; it's generally not difficult. In this case I'm going to pretend you have a single self-defined custom taxonomy called "stack".

function expand_search($query) {
if (!is_admin() && $query->is_search) {
$query_term = $query->get('s');
if(!$query_term) return;
$query_terms = explode(' ', $query_term); // optional
// don't forget to sanitize, I'm not going to bother here
array_push($query_terms, $query_term);
'relation' => 'OR', array(
'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $query_terms
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $query_terms
'taxonomy' => 'stack',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $query_terms
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'expand_search' );

As a side-note, you could of course make your life easier and use a function to generate these very repeated query filter definitions. For example:

function tax_query_filter($taxonomy, $terms, $field = 'slug') {
return array(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'field' => $field,
'terms' => $terms

Like I said, this isn't the only way to go about it, but it's the strategy I used when I worked with WP and it worked well.
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Sep 12.2022 — add_filter('posts_where', 'custom_posts_where'); function custom_posts_where($where) {
if (is_search()) {
$where = preg_replace(
"/(\w+).post_title LIKE ('%.*?%')/",
"$1.post_title LIKE $2) OR ($1.post_excerpt LIKE $2",
} return $where;
} inside functions.php Quite a weird way to do it but it’s a workaround if you don’t want to use the WP extended search plugin
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@ESCRCreativeStudiosAug 26.2022 — add_filter('posts_where', 'custom_posts_where');

function custom_posts_where($where) {
if (is_search()) {
$where = preg_replace(
"/(\w+).post_title LIKE ('%.*?%')/",
"$1.post_title LIKE $2) OR ($1.post_excerpt LIKE $2",

return $where;

inside functions.php

Quite a weird way to do it but it’s a workaround if you don’t want to use the WP extended search plugin


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