I am creating a such type of website in laravel php framework i am bit confuse hwo to implement strategy to rank article , in for savin article i am using mysql database , in different table one table store tutorial name . other table store article title, and third table store content of article , i created relationship between all these table on front side i am fetch all article title and and their related content , left side showing all title and right side i am showing detail of each title and withour refreshing page user can all detail of each title when user clik on left side title right side it display detail of this artile , but in other website like tutorial point when user click on left side menu title and reaload the page then show the detail of clicked title . i am bit confuse is my content will rank on google or not , what strategy i should implement . please guide this.thanks
Your Blog Post Title Here
Your Blog Post Title Here
Posted on January 1, 2023 by Author Name
Subheading Here
Your content here...
<!-- Add more sections as needed -->
Category: Blogging
). Specify a directory if you want it installed in a subfolder (e.g., www.yourdomain.com/blog
gem install jekyll bundler
3. **Create a New Jekyll Site**
- Navigate to the directory where you want to create your site and run:
jekyll new my-awesome-site
- Replace
my-awesome-site with your desired site name.
4. **Navigate to Your Site’s Directory**
- Change to the new site directory:
cd my-awesome-site
5. **Build and Serve Your Site**
- Run the following command to build and serve your site locally:
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Open your browser and go to
http://localhost:4000 to view your site.
### Step 2: Deploy Jekyll Site
1. **Choose a Hosting Provider**
- Jekyll sites can be hosted on platforms like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel.
2. **Follow Hosting Provider’s Documentation**
- For GitHub Pages:
- Create a new repository on GitHub.
- Push your Jekyll site’s code to the repository.
- Go to the repository’s settings and enable GitHub Pages.
- For Netlify:
- Sign up for a Netlify account.
- Connect your GitHub repository or upload your site files.
- Configure the build settings (e.g.,
jekyll build command).
- For Vercel:
- Sign up for a Vercel account.
- Connect your GitHub repository.
- Configure build settings and deploy your site.
## Choosing a Theme
### Step 1: Selecting a Theme
1. **Access the WordPress Dashboard**
- Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
2. **Navigate to Themes**
- Go to
Appearance >
3. **Browse Themes**
- You can either use the
Add New button to search for free themes or upload a theme you’ve downloaded.
4. **Install and Activate**
- Once you’ve found a theme you like, click the
Install button, and then
Activate to make it your site’s active theme.
5. **Customize**
- Go to
Appearance >
Customize to adjust theme settings, such as colors, fonts, and layouts.
### For Jekyll
1. **Browse Jekyll Themes**
- Visit [Jekyll Themes](https://jekyllthemes.io/) or the [Jekyll Themes GitHub page](https://github.com/topics/jekyll-theme).
2. **Download or Fork a Theme**
- Download the theme files or fork the theme repository.
3. **Apply the Theme**
- Replace the contents of your Jekyll site’s
/_includes and
/_layouts directories with the theme files.
- Update your
_config.yml file with theme-specific settings if required.
## Installing Plugins
### For WordPress
1. **Access the Plugin Directory**
- In the WordPress dashboard, go to
Plugins >
Add New.
2. **Search for Plugins**
- Use the search bar to find plugins like Yoast SEO, Wordfence Security, and WP Super Cache.
3. **Install and Activate Plugins**
- Click
Install Now next to the plugin you want to add, and then
Activate once the installation is complete.
4. **Configure Plugins**
- Go to the plugin’s settings page to configure options and settings.
### For Jekyll
1. **Install Plugins via Bundler**
- Add the desired plugins to your
Gemfile in your Jekyll site’s root directory. For example:
gem "jekyll-seo-tag"
gem "jekyll-sitemap"
2. **Run Bundle Install**
- Install the plugins by running:
bundle install
3. **Update Configuration**
- Add the plugins to your
_config.yml file. For example:
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-sitemap
4. **Build and Serve**
- Rebuild your site using:
bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec jekyll serve
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