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Best practices for Helper functions in Laravel?

What are the best practices for Helper functions in Laravel? I’ve found a few answers, but they differ in where the file is stored and how the functions are then accessed. Is there a one-size-fits-all solution? My goal is to have a text-processing function that I can then use across multiple of Laravel’s blade files.

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@AndrewBentleyAug 11.2022 — In my opinion this is best done in the following way:
First create a helper class by creating a folder called Helpers in the app directory of Laravel and then create a file in it with a naming you'd like, I chose MyTextDecorator for your case:
namespace App\Helpers;

class MyTextDecorator
static function myText($inputText)
// add any logic or processing you'd like to do to the text here
$result = "I like " . $inputText . "!";
return $result;

Then make sure to alias your class in config\app.php in the aliases array:
'aliases' => [
// Other aliases
'MyTextDecorator' => App\Helpers\MyTextDecorator::class
and then you will be able to use the output in your blade files:

{!! MyTextDecorator::myText('apples') !!}
It should output: I like apples!


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